
Things every Teen should know before they start dating

One simple truth is that every teenager will one day sooner or later start dating. And the dating game is such a strange terrain it would do a little good to equip them a few information to get ready. Trust me, it would be really difficult for any teenager to start dating while knowing virtually nothing about what to expect, what to do and what not to do. Agreed, experience is the best teacher. Yet some free information coming from the experienced wouldn’t hurt; now would it? Anyway, take note of the information below and be sure to guard your hearts break hurt. All the best please…

POPULARITY AND BEAUTY ARE NOT THE ONLY REASONS TO DATE SOMEONE: Do not date someone just because they are popular and good looking. Trust me, some of the very good-looking and popular people are usually very obnoxious and can easily treat you like trash if you are dating them. Now I am not by any means saying that you should start avoiding all the handsome boys and beautiful girls; no. I am only saying that your desire to date and be with such people should be something beyond mere looks and fame.

KNOW THE FRIENDSHIP CODE: The friendship code should never be broken. This is very important, an unwritten law which when broken could cause more pain than a heartbreak. It simply requires you never to date your friends’ ex lovers.  Maybe this law is especially applicable to girls as they are the ones most sensitive to it. Yet, boys too can become extremely uncomfortable if their friends date a girl they were once dated in the past. So do not do it.

ENDEAVOUR TO KNOW THE WARNING SIGNS OF AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP: Trust me you do not ever want to be in a relationship with someone who will be abusive to you. Sadly, there are so many instances of abuse in relationships occurring almost on a daily basis. Interestingly, if a partner in a relationship is going to be abusive, the signs are always there right from the very beginning. The unfortunate thing is that many people fail to recognize these signs for the very reason that they are in love. For your own good and safety, you must not allow yourself be smitten by love to the extent that you cannot recognize the signs.

KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF BOUNDARIES AND RESPECT: One of the most important secrets to any successful romantic relationship (asides true love) is the ability for each of the two persons involved to respect one another’s sane wishes and ideals. You must therefore recognize boundaries and respect them. Never forget that although you and your lover may truly be in love, you are still two different individuals.

I wish you all the best in your future romantic entanglements.




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