
Students! Here are some Tips to help you become fully attentive in the Classroom

One of the keys to effective learning and excellent performance in exams is to properly pay attention to the teacher in class. Unfortunately, as simple this sounds, it is something most teenagers find very difficult to do. They are easily distracted, preferring to play with friends and do some other meaningless things instead of listen to the teacher while he or she explain those concepts in Social Studies and work out the Mathematical problems. Do you find yourself not being able to pay attention in class? I hope the tips below help you to solve that problem.

The easiest way to be attentive in class is to be present. And by being present, I do not just mean you attending the class. Of course we all know that someone can very well be physically present in a place whereas their mind is far away in some unknown place. Therefore, you cannot afford to allow yourself be distracted by anything, be it problems at home or whatever it is that might be trying to take your attention from the class. You must be fully be present both physically and mentally and try as much as possible to focus, not just on the teacher but also on the class in its entirety.

 Another strategy to being fully attentive in class is to listen. As I’m sure I have previously mentioned in one of my numerous blog posts on this platform, listening is a basic component of the all important communication skill which every teenager must possess. I know sometimes it can be quite boring to spend minutes upon minutes listening to one person talk about a topic that is probably not even interesting. But then in life you must have to listen to people severally or else you will have a problem. So why not start learning to be a good and patient listener by listening to your teacher? I mean by merely doing so you would be able to not only learn new things, but also build your ability to communicate better.

 Be willing and able to interact. Class interaction is a very good way to learn better; making contributions by answering questions and also asking your teacher[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][s] questions in a bid to verify anything that is still puzzling you. Moreover, your ability to stand in class and answer a question or ask one also enables you to become a better public speaker; another important skill every teenager must possess. Therefore, start today to be interactive in class while the teacher is teaching.

Bear in mind that you can disagree with the answers and opinions of your mates even though you must respect such ideas/opinions. Nobody is an island of knowledge, but then not everybody’s opinion about a subject counts as knowledge. In your classroom during all those interactive sessions, there might just be one of your mates who will say something you totally disagree with. Note that you have the right to disagree. But this does not mean that you should write off such a student or even disrespect them. All you must do is respect their opinion but then point out why you disagree and why you feel he or she was wrong and then let the teacher/textbook be the arbiter in the case.

 In all, it is important for every student to actively participate in the classroom as that is the starting point to learning. Do not be aloof. Every student must be involved. I wish you all the best.



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