It is very common among teens to have friends and close associates who suddenly become jealous of them. Trust me I know what an awkward situation it can be when your best friend becomes so jealous of you. It is important to note at this juncture that jealous among is particular rampant among female friends. I mean…almost every girl has that one friend who pretends to be happy for you when you buy a new dress but then goes behind you to spread the rumour about how you sleep around with men to get dress money. Jealous, if unchecked, can degenerate into a serious and unhealthy situation for anyone. And that is why you must be observant of your friends and associates and then take the necessary actions towards remedying a jealousy situation if need be. But then the imperative question is- what should you do when a friend of yours is jealous of you?
The first thing to do when you sense that a friend of yours is jealous is to evaluate yourself and figure out whether you are doing anything wrong to incite such feelings. Sometimes the person whom someone else is jealous of is the cause of the jealousy; especially so when such a person is fond of teasing other people with their supposedly good life, belittling others and being too self-important. Therefore, you must ensure that you have by no means incited a sense of jealousy in your friend. If you have, you must stop being very self-important and apologize to your friend for having made them uncomfortable. But then if you have not done anything wrong in this regard, then it’s time to follow the next advice which you will find in the next paragraph.
Talk to your friend about the changes in your relationship which you have noticed. Precisely, confront such a friend and ask him or her why they have suddenly become jealous. Ask them to tell you why, whether it is something you have caused or whether it is just their utter sense of insecurity. Now just in case it is something you did but you missed it while doing your self-assessment, you must ensure to apologize and bridge to gap between you. But if you are still not to blame for the jealous and your friend shows no sense of remorse, then it is time to take an important step. Read below.
Disassociate yourself from any jealous friend. This should be easy to do. Trust me, you do not want to be friends with anybody who is extremely jealous of you; such a person could hurt you! Therefore, without further ado, take the important step of ending your friendship with a friend who is jealous of you for no tangible reason.
I hope this tips work for you. Please ensure to surround yourself with good friends who will help you grow and become better than you were before you met them. That’s one of the things friendship is about; not jealousy.
All the best please!