-National Party of Nigeria(NPN)-Organizational Structure
The party’s beginning could be traced to private and sometimes secret meetings among key Northern Nigerian leaders after the proscription of political parties in 1966 by the military regimes of Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi and General Yakubu Gowon.
A few members of the proscribed parties based in the Northern section of Nigeria began to organize to form a northern party to prepare for a return to democracy, the group also approached southern Nigerians about the prospect of a truly national party.
A constitutional assembly organized in 1977 to prepare a constitution for a new democratic government, proved to the best avenue for members of the burgeoning group to meet and discuss plans for their regions and nation. On September 20, 1978, the National Party of Nigeria was formed, composed of members of the constituent assembly and was headed by Makaman Bida, an old Northern People’s Congress (NPC) member.
Objectives of NPN
- Tomaintain and protect the unity anbd soverignty of Nigeria.
- To uphold federalism as a form of government in Nigeria.
- To preserve and safeguard the Nigeria Cultural Heritage.
Read more here- https://passnownow.com/lesson/second-republic-political-parties-nigeria/