During the Last Supper which Jesus had with his disciples, he said to Peter “This very night, before the roaster crows, you will disown me three times.” Peter replied “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you”. The other disciples said the same thing too. Later that same day Jesus was arrested and taken to the high priest court yard. Other disciples ran away except Peter who followed them at a distance. Outside the courtyard some people made fire and sat around it to warm themselves. Then Peter joined them in the fire place and a little servant girl identified him saying: “This man was with Him.” But Peter denied saying “little girl I don’t know Him.”
While still hanging around the courtyard the little girl saw Peter again and told some few people, “this fellow is one of them” but Peter denied again. This is the second denial. After a while those standing by met Peter and said “surely, you are one of them for your accent is Galilean” Peter denied again and started raining curses on himself, insisting that he did not Jesus. And then, the cock crowed immediately. Just then, Peter remembered the words Jesus spoke that he would deny Him three times before the cock crowed.
Please note how Peter consistently Jesus on three separate occasions. Once he started, he could not stop until he finally repented. That is how sin progresses, from small to big, to bigger, then to biggest. The devil is very tricky; he won’t lead us into the big sins first because it won’t work for him, he will start leading us into the small sins- those sins we think matter less, then from there he leads us to the bigger and biggest sins. That’s why armed robbers started their stealing at home with meat in the pot, parents’ money; classmates’ pen, books, money; neighbours’ money and properties; then it graduates to fulltime robbery from there. Same process for prostitutes, they started from one boy giving them money to have sex with them. All prostitutes were once virgins, so they started little by little until they become harlots.
Peter’s weeping after the cock crowed was a sign of regret and repentance. He realised he had sinned and repented immediately. When we sin we should not remain in that sin, we should admit our fault, repent and promise God not to do it again…
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