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Top 5 Reasons Every Teacher Should Blog


(By Alice Martin)

Gone are the days when academic institutes used to shy from integrating current technology into their education system. Now, almost every school, college and university in US, UK and other developed countries are using current techs to foster effective education round-the-clock. As internet plays a huge role in making education more interactive and streamline than ever before, blogging has opened dozens of doorways for teachers to make their teaching endeavours more productive.

It is observed that more and more teachers are turning to blogging platforms and learning how they can set up blogs for both personal and professional (teaching) use. From WordPress to Tumblr and Typepad to Livejournal, teachers have observed that these platforms empower them to polish not only their literacy but writing prowess as well. In addition to that students find this new mode of learning more comfy and engaging than regular classroom lectures.

Before we proceed to the tips on harnessing the true potential of blogging for improved learning, let me first give a brief introduction (with background) of blogs.

Initially referred to as weblog (web-log), blogs were originally intended to use as a digital personal diary or journal where the author can save his daily activities or special events. However, in the current era, the use of blogging has evolved to a great extent allowing people to use it for different reasons such as marketing, education, etc. Blogs offer an easy and convenient publishing tool that the author can use to post, edit and share self-publish text.

How Teachers Can Harness Blogging for Enhanced Learning

Following are some prominent ways through which blogging can be used in the classroom settings:

Manage Students’ Activities

Blogs serve as a convenient portal for both teachers and students allowing them to have a total control over their classroom activities. In fact, they can even manage those activities that they conduct outside the classrooms. For instance, teachers can give them homework, academic assignments, audio/video lectures, notes, etc.

Increase Ingenuity and Writing Prowess

It is an irrefutable fact that good writing prowess can only be developed through practice. However, the more you practice writing, the more you develop your own creativity. Efficient writing skills and creativity are necessary tools for effective learning. These two skills later assist students in tackling even toughest tasks in their professional career.

Teach Students How to Give Feedback

Some students do know how to analyze a topic but they don’t know how to give their feedback on it. Through the use of blog commenting section, educators can teach students how they can provide their opinion or comment on a piece. Through blog commenting, teachers should educate the students about the purpose of commenting and the significance of providing insightful feedback on a topic.

Encourage Collaboration in Students

One of the best use or benefits of blogging is that it promotes collaboration among students thereby allowing them to team-up to tackle a common cause (project). Collaboration is necessary to be promoted since it allows students to appreciate peer reviews and opinions. Especially, it is important for those students who find it difficult to interact well with their fellow classmates. Through collaborative projects, they too can feel comfortable in presenting their own views.

Promote Engagement Among Students

Teachers should blog because blogging is a great tool that offers heavy engagement in the students body. Teachers can start a discussion on any topic and ask students to share their open-minded thoughts. They can share their opinions not only during the class session but also outside the classroom.

Think blogging as an advance tool of learning and use it accordingly to help your precious disciples develop their academic performance and take it to new heights.

Excerpt from

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