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Study shows dangers teens face while using technology and walking

A new study from Safe Kids Worldwide indicates that distractions caused by technology pose a threat to Teens’ safety as they’re walking.

The report shows one in five high school students and one in eight higher institution student cross the street while distracted by an electronic device.

Jennifer McCue, Injury Prevention Coordinator for the Nemours/A.I. duPont Hospital for Children’s Trauma Program, calls the study important to raising awareness to an issue that receives little attention.

“Many of us know the risks of driving a car and being distracted, but many of us don’t think about walking,” said McCue.

Texting and listening to headphones are the biggest distractions, according to the report. Each accounted for 39 percent of the students considered distracted while crossing a street. 20 percent were distracted by talking on a cell phone and 2 percent by games or tablets.

“It is important to start educating children early so that they form safe behaviours and continue those behaviours as they grow older,” McCue said. “There is a time and place for technology. It’s just important that when you are crossing the street that you put those devices down.”

Safe Kids also offers a variety of tips for parents, Teens and drivers:

Tips for Parents

  • From the first conversation you have with young children about crossing the street safely, talk about the dangers of distraction.
  • Talk to teens about putting down mobile devices while walking and remind them of the importance of looking up, listening and making eye contact when crossing the street.
  • Set a good example by putting devices down when you are driving or walking around cars.

Tips for Teens

  • Put devices down, look up, listen, and make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street.
  • Remember to watch out for cars that are turning or backing up. Walk on sidewalks or paths and cross at street corners with traffic signals and crosswalks when possible.
  • Be aware of others who may be distracted—and speak up when you see someone who is distracted.
  • If you need to use a cell phone, stop on the sidewalk and find a safe area to talk.
  • If you are wearing headphones, pull them down before you cross the street or turn the volume off.
  • Driveways and parking lots can be especially dangerous because we are walking close to moving cars. Turn off devices in places where cars are going in unexpected directions, like backing out of a parking spot or turning out of a driveway.

Tips for Drivers

  • When driving, look both ways for bikers, walkers or runners who may not be immediately visible or may step into the street unexpectedly.
  • Slow down and be especially alert in residential neighbourhoods and school zones.
  • Eliminate any distractions inside your car so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings.

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