
What Your Pee Says About Your Health: New diagram shows when to be alarmed – and what you might be suffering from

From healthy ‘pale straw’ to potentially dangerous ‘brown ale’, urine comes in a wide range of colours.

Now doctors at a U.S. medical centre have drawn up a diagram to illustrate what is normal and what is not.

The chart, developed at the Cleveland Clinic, in Ohio, says urine usually ranges from a deep amber or honey colour to a light straw colour, with many shades in between.

It says the colour of a person’s urine says a lot about what is going on inside their body, and that people should take heed of its warnings.

The diagram shows that if a person’s urine has no colour, it suggests they are drinking too much water and should consider cutting back.

If it is a pale straw colour, the person’s water consumption is at a healthy level and they are well-hydrated. The same applies if their urine is transparent yellow.

However, if it is dark yellow, this suggests they should drink some water soon.

As a person becomes more dehydrated, their urine will turn an amber or honey colour.

This suggests they are not getting enough water and that they should drink some immediately.

The colour of a person’s urine can also be influenced by factors other than hydration.

The diagram shows that if it is the colour of brown ale, this could be a sign of severe dehydration, but it could also be a sign of liver disease.

Experts recommend that if a person notices their urine is this colour, they should drink some water and visit their doctor if it persists.

Most people would, rightly, be concerned if their urine turned red.

The diagram shows that if a person has not just eaten beetroot, blueberries or rhubarb their urine should not be pink or red. If it is, they should visit a doctor as it could be a sign of blood.

This can be caused by kidney disease, tumours, prostate problems or a urinary tract infection.

It could even be a sign of mercury poisoning.

Having orange urine can also be suggestive of a problem.

The diagram shows it can be a sign of dehydrations but it could also be a symptom of a liver or bile duct condition.

In very rare cases, urine can turn blue or green.

This can be caused by food dye or medication, but it could also be indicative of a rare genetic disease or of bacteria in the urinary tract.

As a result, if a person’s urine turns green, and stays that way, they are advised to visit a doctor.

Finally, some people notice their urine has turned ‘fizzy’.

This can be caused by a harmless hydraulic effect, however, it can also be a sign of excessive protein in the diet, or of a kidney problem.

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