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5 Cool Ways To Get Into The Christmas Spirit

As you know, “The happiest time of the year” is fast approaching and with all the stressful, hectic and busy things happening in your life, it can be easy to drift away from the most joyous holiday of the year. As we grow older, we begin to see the realities of our childhood and our innocence, and Christmas begins to fade. What we used to think was all presents, fun, food, Santa Claus and joy has begun to shatter with buying presents, midterms that could make the Grinch give back Xmas in no time, ’90s nostalgia and inevitable growing-up-too-fast-memory-lane moments.

To get the most out of Christmas 2014, have fun, revamp the Xmas spirit and be a child again, do these five simple and exciting things and have the best Xmas yet!

Watch Classic Christmas Films

Take a blast to the past by having an ultimate bash with your friends or family and your favourite Xmas films while making the sweetest treats of the season. How about gingerbread house making as you watch Home Alone, reminiscing on these fun adventures that could only happen to a cutie and just wishing that could have happened to you when you were that age. Or adding candy canes and mints to every delicious dessert out there, it is Xmas after all. Making some fun snowmen, gingerbread men, Santa, chocolate everything can be your greatest source to good old holiday fun! Let the blissful memories come back!

Go Old-Fashioned Carolling

If you haven’t already, you know you have always wanted to wear matching Christmas sweaters, bond with new and old friends and sing your heart out to the genuine and beautiful songs of Christmas which can be the most heart-warming and fun experience that has ever happened. Not to mention how wonderful you can make someone feel and pass on the Xmas spirit.

Have a Xmas Party With Your Closest Friends

“Friends are the family you choose to have” and why not have a fun gathering with all your closest besties? Plan fun events like making ugly Christmas cloths, buying random Christmas sweets and giving out random candy canes to strangers. Dish your most embarrassing Xmas stories, reminisce on the most fun holiday getaways that have happened to you…, it’s the thought that counts!

Impact Someone Else’s Life

I don’t know if many of you remember or if you ever did such things when you were growing up but I do remember around my SS2 days, my class sent in letters and food stuff to the Orphanage. I remember how happy it felt on the inside that I was doing something selfless and helping someone else emotionally and physically. That brought me so much joy and happiness especially on such a beautiful time of the year. Understanding the true meaning of Christmas is truly invigorating. Showing empathy is the most treasured feeling in the world and can make you much more happier and truly help someone you hadn’t thought you could.

Head to Local Christmas Events

Nothing is more delightful than heading to the most spirited events in your own community. Head to the local theatre and watch  A Christmas Carol or any other Christmas play that is currently showing. Go to a Christmas tree lighting celebration or even a local Xmas concert! Watching the beautiful lights at night is simply magical and hearing beautiful Christmas music is an added bonus. Head to a nearby amusement park; I’m sure it is completely decorated with Xmas lights and it will be much more special to go when it is on a beautiful holiday because you will enjoy all the little things. The most special events are close to home, so don’t miss doing these fun activities.

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