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BEWARE! That ‘Birthday Party’ Could Be Sacrificial Feasting

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices”  2 Corinthians 2:11

This is not a sermon!

It is an attempt  to alert people who are naïve and unsuspecting of the craftiness of people who always take advantage of the ignorance of the free spirited. An awareness drive on the machinations of the evil-minded that lives amongst us.

This is end time. Men and women are desperate more than ever before for success driven by avarice and selfishness. There is the need for people to be open minded yet conscious of goings-on so as not to be the sacrificial lambs on the altar of the desires of the wicked.

The scenarios identified below, except one, are experiences people shared with me over time.


A man afflicted with a strange sickness that defied western medical solutions was taken to a church to seek deliverance was asked to confess or else his sickness will persist and eventually kill him.

His confession:

He said, long ago while seeking means to break the yoke of poverty by any means, he resort to exploit the spiritual route. One of the conditions was for him to kill a human being and serve people.

Somehow, he caught a prey and did as was instructed, only that he got beef from the market and mixed it with the human flesh which his unsuspecting guests consumed with relish.


A lady had sent out invitation cards announcing her 40th birthday party. The society went abuzz, everybody jostling for what to wear at the ‘must attend’ event for a privileged few. Cooking was to take place at her spacious compound. She hired hands to do the cooking supported by friends. She bought a thigh of a cow that was cut into big chunk sizes as will be served her guests. On arrival, she instructed that the meat be dropped in her bathtub. Done. It was not initially clear what informed that preference until her intimate friend appeared and asked after her nobody was sure where she was, afterall everybody was busy.

Moving forward, her friend asked if the raw beef had been rinsed, not satisfied with the negative response, she asked that it should be brought outside. Leading the team to fetch the item from the bath tub, her friend opened the door only to discover the celebrant stark naked, having her bath right on the meat meant for all.

She pleaded for the matter to be kept secret and said “It is for my progress, eating this will not harm anybody”. She was not to be trusted, none believed her. The party went on anyway but those in the know of behind the scene did not taste even water at the event, of course they alerted a few others whom they did not want to fall prey too.


A little boy was suffering from a particular ailment that his parents through findings were told is a spiritual attack.

Solution was organize a feasting that will have several children in attendance but with the proviso that the child will not taste out of all that was cooked for the event.

The little boy’s birthday was several weeks ahead, his parents could not take chances they had to celebrate his birthday before his birth date. They were said to have brought a ram that was spiritually laced before it was slaughtered, cooked and served.

The boy was healed.


Its her birthday so thought everybody because that was what was on the invitation card. I got there earlier than expected and met spiritualists on ground. They were ‘praying’ for her and doing other stuffs.

At the end of the day she was asked to speak and make her requests in the ear of the ram before it was eventually slaughtered.

Guests showed up in the evening as indicated in the invitation card of this ‘important’ birthday party. Need I say that they had more than enough to eat and drink? They particularly enjoyed the beef that was grilled, fried or cooked depending on the preference of the guest.


Does this mean we should not attend, eat or drink at birthdays anymore? No. Look before you leap. We must be alive spiritually to develop intuitions on where to go and where not to go, however seemingly important it is.

We must pray without ceasing, because “….the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” Luke16:8

Be conscious of where to go and more importantly what you eat. Honestly, I do not know the implications and effects it will have on those that ate the fetish beef at the birthday events identified above, but I know that the celebrants were selfish and not sincere in their considerations. Their intentions are not pure.

Not all that glitter is gold, not all birthday and get together parties are as claimed. Be wise!

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