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#PNN E-MENTORING (Taiwo Akinlami): What It Feels Like To Be A Teenager

Continued from last week

Dear young ones, sure you are doing great today. I believe I have your permission to continue this familiarization talk. It may be long, but I believe it is a necessary foundation for our relationship here or have you not been told not to take gifts from strangers? I don’t want to break that great rule, please permit me to continue feeling you…Deal? Yes, deal.

I feel you when you see older adults, mum and dad, teachers and others as kill-joy. I understand the frustration you face when there is a clash between the career your parents want for you and the one you want for yourself.

I feel you when, people, peers, parents, teachers judge you without hearing your own side of the story.

I feel you when you are labeled and everybody around you wants to relate with you according to the label placed on you.

I feel you when you have given your best and your best appears not to be good enough and everybody chastises you and nobody remembers to commend the thick sweat of your efforts.

I feel you when you feel betrayed and suffer all forms of abuse from your peers, parents and teachers, who you trust so much.

I appreciate the crisis of identity you go through and your many battles for independence from home and society. I know the pain you feel when your parents and teachers compare you to your siblings, friends and classmates. 

I know the frustration you feel when you have so many questions in your heart in respect of your state of mental and physical development and nobody is willing to listen or aware of your struggles with these questions, not to talk of answering them.

I feel your many struggles to meet up with your peers and answer the questions thrown at you by competition. I understand the pressure you go through from your peers, particularly from the opposite sex. I understand the lures of sexual urge, masturbation, alcohol, drugs, pornographic materials, homosexuality, lesbianism and related vices.

I feel you when the home is on fire and mum and dad are not living together in unity and they do not only expose you to their issues, but they make you part of the issues and the settlement of same. I know the tension and fear you feel when you witness domestic violence in your own home and you cannot truly sing the song, home, sweet home.

Hmmm…So long a familiarization talk, you will say, but I promise you, it will not go beyond next week. Our space is up as usual. Do have an INSPIRED week. Stay SMART!

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