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#PNN E-MENTORING (Yoma Victor): How to Be Rich at a Very Young Age

Hello, welcome to a new week. If you didn’t read last week’s article, please do so before you continue.

There are certain laws that govern this universe. Laws that control the results we see. Laws are so powerful that even if we do not understand them but we practice them, we will achieve the predicted result. Understanding them but not applying them won’t produce any result of benefit.

One such law is the law of cause and effect, some other variations are the law of sowing and reaping. It is such that, the universe even responds to you in the same manner you react to it. If you do not clean your environment, sickness is reaped; if you do not read, failure is reaped; if you are not financially intelligent, porverty is reaped. In the same way, if you save consistently, you attract more income opportunities. By experience, it has been shown (and I have experienced this), that as you consistently put aside money from your income, you attract a lot more income opportunities.

Have you ever heard people say “the rich gets richer?”; the truth is that, in life, the more you get what you put in. So a man who earns N30,000 per month but has saved N1,000 every month for 5 years attracts more opportunities to be truly wealthy than someone who earns N500,000 but hasn’t saved consistently. Life, God, the universe reacts differently to a person who has shown such a high level of discipline.

Guys, what you save is your true income. Someone who says “I earn N500,000 every month” is dreaming; after paying rent, buying clothes, paying PHCN bills, waste management, school fees, DSTV, Shoprite, etc; is it not clear that your true income is what you have left? And for most people, they have nothing left. What has just happened is that you have worked for DSTV, PHCN, Shoprite, Cinemas, your school, etc. You have nothing left for yourself. That is why last week I said, save before you spend, not after you spend.

Do you want to be rewarded by life? Do you want opportunities to stream towards you? Do you want the world to perceive you as the destination for blessings? Do you want God to see you as a steward of great riches today? Then you have to sow a habit of saving consistently! The gains far out-weigh the pain. For the joy that comes in the future, you must be willing to develop this habit.

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