
Phone Etiquette Rules: How to speak effectively over the phone

How many times have you spoken to someone on the phone and felt like that person is totally boring or unprofessional? Many times, huh? Well, you just have to be sure people you talk to on phone are not saying the same thing about you.

You think that phone conversation skills are not important? You think it’s pretty easy to converse on the phone?… Let me tell you that effective phone communication skill is extremely important because it helps you maintain a certain level of confidence with the other person you’re talking to. And it also helps you speak right so that people you talk to on the phone enjoy talking to you.

This article is to help you in a couple of ways to talk right on the phone.

1. Answer the phone specifying who you’re. Also, have a nice friendly tone when you pick/make a call

2. Speak Clearly. It’s important for you to pronounce your words well and correctly. Use worlds that make sense to the person you’re speaking with. Know when to be formal or informal

3. Listen Actively – What’s the point of a conversation when you’re not listening to the person? Besides, if you don’t make effort to understand what the person is saying, there’s no way you will be able to answer the person appropriately. Also, try to acknowledge. Don’t let the person feel like he/she is talking to a wall. But please do not interrupt. Interrupting people can be really rude at times.

4. Use good and descriptive language. This is particularly important because you can’t see the person, so hand gestures will not work. Instead explain what you’re trying to say by giving examples that the person will easily relate with.

5. Keep a pen and paper handy. There are times you need to prepare beforehand what you want to talk to someone about. Also, there might be important points your phone partner is making that you need to take note.

If you follow all these ways, trust me, people will feel comfortable talking to you on phone, and you’ll never have a hard time having a phone conversation

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