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Useful tips for maintaining your privacy online

Enter your personal information only on websites that are secure. This will help keep sensitive information safe; such as your credit card number, social security number, bank account information, and more.

Keep the personal information you share on social networking sites to a minimum. Depending on your privacy settings, you may be revealing too much information about yourself or your family through these types of websites.

Review your privacy settings after joining a social networking site. Some websites will share your personal information with the public as a default setting; however, most websites will allow you to customise your privacy settings.

Refrain from sharing information about your current location online. This will alert people of your exact location at any time; alerting burglars of your absence at home or notifying people where they can run into you in public.

Some websites or applications may access the built-in GPS tracker on your laptop or mobile device to determine where you are physically located and share this information with the public. If this is the case, disable the GPS feature on your device or consult the manufacturer for assistance.

Use a variety of strong passwords for your online accounts. This practice will help prevent others from guessing your passwords and using them to access your private information.

Use unique passwords that contain a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Using passwords that relate to your personal life in obvious ways, such as your birth date, may make your passwords easier for others to guess.

Use the Internet at school for professional purposes only. Some schools may monitor your activity; such as the websites you visit or the content of your email messages.

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