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10 Things You Don’t Want To Regret When You Become An Adult

Hmm, this kind of sounds pretty corny and maybe even a little patronising, but hear me out: there are some things you have to do now (or not do), or you will seriously regret it when you get older. I don’t think I’m that old (I’m in my 20s!), but there are already things I did or didn’t do from secondary school and university that I really, really regret. Like holding a grudge against a friend for no reason, only to have any chance of reuniting be taken away from me. Or like being really mean to my parents, when actually I probably should have listened to them.

I can never take those things back, and it really hurts. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you guys! So, to make sure it doesn’t, listen to this advice and remember it. Here are 10 things you’ll regret when you’re old: 

1. Staying in a bad relationship for a long time

You’re scared to be single? Doesn’t it seem even scarier to waste years of your life that you can’t ever get back on someone who makes you miserable?

2. Picking a loser guy/gal over your best friend 

Even if you and your Boy/Girlsfriend make up, things will never be the same. Trust me. It’s not worth it.

3. Letting a significant other hold you back from something you wanted to do

If that person is trying to hold you back, they’re not right for you.

4. Being too self-conscious to try and make new friends and be sociable 

5. Spending too much time thinking how you need to change how you look

Trust me, in 10 years you’re going to look back and be like, “Damn, I looked good. What was wrong with me?”

6. Caring so much about what other people think that you don’t do certain things

People are always going to judge you. Do what’s right and be happy.

7. Holding silly grudges

It’s not worth it if you can barely remember what started it. Learn to forgive and you’ll be a lot happier.

8. Ditching your friends for your significant other

Once that relationship is over and your friendships are all weird, you’re really going to think you’ve totally messed up.

9. Fighting with your parents over everything and never talking to them 

One day you’re going to realise that your parents are actually really awesome and you like talking to them and spending time with them. Then you’ll feel horribly guilty for all of those times you sent them to Coventry!

10. Trying too hard to be like other people to fit in

When you’re older, you’ll realise that your individuality is what makes you awesome. Being like other people is boring.

Which of these things do you agree or disagree with? Do you have any regrets? What did I forget? Tell us in the comments.


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