Computer Studies Scheme of Work for SS2 First Term
Below are the 2022 complete SS2 First Term Computer Science Lesson Note
First Term SS2 Computer Science Lesson Note
Week 1
Topic: Overview of Computer Hardware
This refers to the physical elements or the equipment of the computer. Examples are a keyboard, monitor, mouse and processing unit. Computer hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer, such as a monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, hard disk drive (HDD), system unit (graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips), and so on, all of which are physical objects that can be touched (that is, they are tangible).
Components of computer hardware
- Input/output
- System unit
- Processing unit
- Storage devices
- Input devices are hardware devices which take information from the user of the computer system, convert it into electrical signals and transmit it to the processor. The primary function of input devices is to allow humans to interact with the computer system. For instance, a mouse allows the user to control the movement of the pointer (a common element in user interface design). To learn more, Click here
Week 2
Topic: Computer Input Devices
Input Devices
An input device is a peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or information appliance. Examples of input devices include keyboards, mice, scanners, digital cameras and joysticks.
Examples of Input Devices
Trackball—A pointing device like a mouse only with the ball on the top of the device instead of the bottom. A trackball is a pointing device consisting of a ball held by a socket containing sensors to detect a rotation of the ball about two axes—like an upside-down mouse with an exposed protruding ball. The user rolls the ball with the thumb, fingers, or palm of the hand to move a pointer. To learn more, Click here
Week 3
Topic: The Keyboard
A computer keyboard is an input device used to enter characters and functions into the computer system by pressing buttons, or keys. It is the primary device used to enter text. A keyboard typically contains keys for individual letters, numbers and special characters, as well as keys for specific functions. A keyboard is connected to a computer system using a cable or a wireless connection.
To learn more, Click here
Week 4
Topic: Storage and Output Devices
Storage Devices
These devices are used to store instructions and data when they are not in us by the system unit. There are two types of storage devices used with computers: a primary storage device, such as RAM, and a secondary storage device, like a hard drive.
Examples of Storage Devices
CD-ROM (compact disk read-only) — a smaller optical disk that can store about 450 times the data on a floppy
Data Cartridges—removable hard disk drives that provide both the storage capacity and fast access
Floppy disk/drive—a flexible platter coated with material that allows data to be recorded magnetically on the surface of the platters.
Hard Disk—one or more rigid platters coated with material that allows data to be recorded magnetically on the surface of the platters. To learn more, Click here
Week 5
Topic: Central Processing Unit
CPU is the hardware part of a computer that carries out the instruction of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetic, logical and input/output operations of the system. CPU is the brain of the computer where most operations, calculations and processes take place.
Two main components of a CPU
- The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) – it performs arithmetic and logical operation. ALU carries out arithmetic operations on integer (whole number) and real (with a decimal point) operands.
- The control unit (CU) – it extracts instruction from the computer memory, decodes and executes them and also transfers them to the ALU when necessary. The CU controls the fetching of instructions from the main memory and the subsequent execution of these instructions. To learn more, Click here
Week 6
Topic: Memory Unit
Memory Unit
The memory unit is the part of the computer that holds data and instructions for processing. Although it is closely associated with the CPU. In actual fact, it is separate from it. Memory unit associated with CPU is also called Primary Storage and main storage, internal storage and main memory. When we load software from a floppy disk, hard disk or CD-ROM, it is stored in the main memory.
- The Memory Unit is the part of the computer that holds data and instructions for processing.
- Although it is closely associated with the CPU, in actual fact it is separate from it.
- Memory associated with the CPU is also called primary storage, primary memory, main storage, internal storage and main memory.
- When we load software from a floppy disk, hard disk or CD-ROM, it is stored in the Main Memory.
There are two types of primary memory (RAM) and (ROM). To learn more, Click here
Week 7
Topic: Logic Circuits
Logic Circuits
Logic gates are physical devices that perform logical operations on one or more logic inputs to produce an output. They are mainly diodes or transistors though can also be constructed using electromagnetic rays. A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. Most logic gates have two inputs and one output. At any given moment, every terminal is in one of the two binary conditions low (0) or high (1), represented by different voltage levels. Both the input and output carry the binary valves ‘O’ which means low or false ‘ I’ meaning high or true. To learn more, Click here