Weed is any plant that grows in a place where it is not expected to grow or plant which grows out of place.A weed is a plant considered undesirable in a particular situation, “a plant in the wrong place”
Common Name: Spear grass
Botanical Name: Heteropogoncontorous
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: They grow on poor soil as well as soil with high acidity.
Description of Characteristics:
- They are cool seasoned tufted perennial grasses
- The foliage grows from 10 -20cm high.
- Most species flowers in spring.
Common Name: Day flower
Botanical Name: Commelina communis
Family: Commelinaceae
Habitat: It strives in edges of garden and yards, fence row; vacant lots and waste areas.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is about 1-3m long
- It can be erect or spraw across the ground like vine .
- The round stems are smooth and hairless.
- Their margins are smooth and veins runs parallel to each other .
- Upper edge of the sheath is usually hairless.
- Each flower blooms during the morning for a single day.
Common Name: Elephant grass
Botanical Name: Pennistrum purpureum
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: It is found on wide range of soils.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a tall grass.
- It grows in dense clumps of up to 10 feet tall.
- In the savannah of Africa, it grows along lake beds and rivers where the soil is rich.
- They are yellowish or purple in colour .
- The stems are coarse and hairy
- The leaves are 2-3 feet long
- The edges of the leaves are razor sharp.
Common Name: Turbina
Botanical Name: Turbina corymbosa
Family: Convolvulaceae
Habitat: It grows along rainforest margins and water ways
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a scrambling vine growing to at least 8 meters in height.
- Its leaves are heart shaped.
- It produces many branched flowers.
Common Name: Fire weed
Botanical Name: Chamerion angustitolium
Family: Onagraceae
Habitat: It is found on wet cancerous to slightly acidic soil in open field.
Description of Characteristics:
- The reddish stems of this weed are usually simple .
- The leaves are entire and pinnately veined.
- The radically symmetrical flower has four magneta to pink petals.
Common Name: Wild snake gourd
Botanical Name: Trichosanthes cveumerina
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Habitat: Wet region.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a green vegetable with broad leaf
- It is sometimes taken as vegetable or for medical purposes
Common Name: Gamba Grass
Botanical Name: Andropogon gayaanus
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: It grows on lowland areas in region with tropical and warmer sub tropical climates.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a large, long-live grass reaching up to 4cm in height
- Its stems are robust and are quite hairy.
- Its seed (7-9cam long) are hairy and have a large, bent and twisted awn.
Common Name: Bahama Grass
Botanical Name: Cynodon dactylon
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: It strives in warm climate
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a perennial evergreen grass.
- It is grating at the rate of 0.3m by 0.5m at a medium rate.
- Its blades are grey-green colour.
- Its blades are short.
Common Name: Balrush
Botanical Name: Scipsus tuberasus
Family: Cyperaceae
Habitat: It lives in humid habitat.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a long flower grass between 4-6cm
- Its flowering period is between March- October.
Common Name: Swinecrees
Botanical Name: Coronopus didymus
Family: Brassicaceae
Habitat: commonly seen in garden and road sides.
Description of Characteristics:
- It grows all year round.
- It has broad leaf.
Common Name: False Daisy
Botanical Name: Eclipla alba
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: Gardens and Roadsides
Description of Characteristics:
- It has a broad leaf.
- It is a long grass with white flower.
Common Name: Garden sponge
Botanical Name: Euphorbia hirta
Family: Eurphorbiaceae
Habitat: It grows in both wet and dry climates.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a deep rooted weed.
- It has small leaf.
- It is a weed with flowers.
Common Name: Spear Grass
Botanical Name: Imperata cylinderica
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: Poor soil as well as soil with high acidity.
Description of Characteristics:
- They are cool seasoned tufted perennial grasses.
- Most species flower in springs or dry season.
Common Name: Giant Star Grass
Botanical Name: Cynodon plectostachyles
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: Grows in both good soil and acidic soil.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a perennial grass without rhizomes .
- There is absence of seed.
Common Name: Neetle leaf goosefoot
Botanical Name: Chenopodium murale
Family: Amaranthaceae
Habitat: Fields and Roadsides.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is an annual weed of up to 70cm in height.
- the oval to triangular leaves are toothed and broad .
- The inflorescence are powdery clusters of spherical buds.
Common Name: Rhodes Grass
Botanical Name: Chloris gayama
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: It strives in normal soil.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is 1-2m tall
- It spreads by root runners
- It is a poor water logging tolerant weed
- It requires high fertility to survive
Common Name: Winter Wild Oat
Botanical Name: Avena serillis spp
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: Dry and wet soils.
Description of Characteristics:
- it is a long weed of about 7cm long .
- It is an erect perennial grass.
Common Name: Croton
Botanical Name: Cordiaeum variegatum
Family: Eurphorbiaceae
Habitat: Moonsoon forest, Hills and Rainforest
Description of Characteristics:
- It is evergreen leaves .
- It is a small scrubs up to 12m tall.
Common Name: Sickle pod
Botanical Name: Senna obtusifolia
Family: Leguminosae
Habitat: Agricultural field, roadsides and waste sites.
Description of Characteristics:
- The compound leaf are arranged spirally.
- It is a herb that grows up to 5 feet tall.
- It is spreading with numerous ascending, hairless branches.
Common Name: Leaf flower
Botanical Name: Phyllanthus mirabilis
Family: Phyllantheae
Habitat: Commonly found on roadsides.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a short grown herb.
- It has short leaves.
Common Name: Horse Purslane
Botanical Name: Trianthema protulacastrum
Family: Alzoaceae
Habitat: Cultivated areas.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is green to red in colour
- It is hairless except for small lines of hairs nears the leaves.
- Solidarity flower occur in leaf axile
Common Name: Wire Grass
Botanical Name: Eleusine indica
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: Fields, lawns and along the roads.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is evergreen in colour
- It has a short growth
- It grows all year round
Common Name: Day Flower
Botanical Name: Commelina lukei
Family: Commelinaceae
Habitat: Gardens and yards.
Description of Characteristics:
- The round stems are smooth and hairless.
- It can be erect or spraw across the ground like vine.
- Upper edge of the sheath is usually hairless.
- Their margins are smooth and veins runs parallel to each other.
Common Name: Para Grass
Botanical Name: Brachiara mutica
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: Acidic and normal soil.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a perennial grass.
- It can grow up to 1m or taller.
- It has horizontal stems called stolons.
- Its inflorescence grows on a primary axis.
Common Name: Small Flower Weed
Botanical Name: Cyperus differus
Family: Cyperacae
Habitat: Garden and lawns.
Description of Characteristics:
- it is a long plant of about 5cm long.
- It has tufted grass.
Common Name: Ground burnot
Botanical Name: Tribillus lerresteris
Family: Zygophllaceae
Habitat: Lawns
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a biennial herb.
- It has small leaves that cluster in the stem.
- It is always evergreen.
- It is a weed of up to 3cm length.
Common Name: Guinea Grass
Botanical Name: Panicum maximum
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: Both acidic and normal soil.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a tufted perennial grass
- It is usually in large bunches
- It has a large flat green leaves
Common Name: Spiny Amaranth
Botanical Name: Amaranthus spinosus
Family: Amarantacene
Habitat:It is commonly found in field.
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a herbaceous weed with broad leaves
- It grows annually.
- Its colour ranges from green to red.
Common Name: Fire plant
Botanical Name: Euphorbia heterophylla
Family: Euphorbiceae
Habitat: Fertile soil.
Description of Characteristics:
- A hardy specie growing between 30-70cm in height.
- Its false flowers are located in clusters.
- They have no petals.
- Resistant to herbicide.
Common Name: Snap Weed
Botanical Name: Mimosa pudica
Family: Fabaceae
Habitat: Acidic and normal soil.
Description of Characteristics:
- It shrinks upon touch.
- It is always evergreen.
- Its branches spread quickly on the ground.
- It flowers sometimes.
- The leaves are bipinnately compound.
- The stem is erect in young plant but becomes creeping with age.
Common Name: Water Grass
Botanical Name: Commelina diffusa
Family: Commelinaceae
Habitat: It grows on shallow water.
Description of Characteristics:
- Its leaves can be underwater to 3 feet
- It is a perennial grass
- It forms dense colonies in shallow water
Common Name: Saw Grass
Botanical Name: Cladium jamaicensa
Family: Cyperaceae
Habitat: It is mostly found in wet areas
Description of Characteristics:
- It is a tall grass
- It grows only on wet region
Common Name: Alligator Weed
Botanical Name: Alternathera philoxeroids
Family: Amaranthaceae
Habitat: It can grow on damp soil or on water
Description of Characteristics:
- It has a simple leaf which is elliptic.
- It can reduce water flow or quality by preventing light penetration.
- It flowers during the warm month
Common Name: Wild sun Flower
Botanical Name: Aspilia Africana
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: Found on both fertile and acidic soil.
Description of Characteristics:
- it has a yellow flower
- It has a pleasant smell
- It is used in feeding hares
Common Name: Water Leaf
Botanical Name: Talinum triangulare
Family: Talinaceae
Habitat: Wet Land.
Description of Characteristics:
- An erect fleshy- leafed herb of open ground
- It flowers on maturity
- Ever green in colour
- Length is about 2-3cm in height at maturity
2 thoughts on “Agriculture – SS2: Common Weeds Found In Farms”
Comment…d best website
Dis is cul keep it up