- A woodpecker can peck wood/tree trunk at an average of 20 times in one second
- They have a lifespan of 4 – 11 years
- Most birds have three toes pointing forward and one backwards, the Woodpecker have two pointing in each
direction. This help them balance vertically on the trunks of trees
- Their size range from 8 – 58cm, weighing 7 – 600g. Their wing span from 12 – 61cm and they fly at a speed of 24km/hr
- The male and female work hand in hand to make a cavity on a tree which becomes their home (nest). The male does most of the work
- They lay 4 eggs and incubate them for 2 weeks. The male does night shift when incubating the egg
- When they hatch, one parent stays with them while the other goes to find food for them.
- Unlike most birds, they do not have vocal songs
- Woodpeckers have bristle-like feathers over their nostrils help to keep wood particles from being inhaled.
- A woodpecker’s tongue is up to 4 inches long depending on the species, and it wraps around the skull. For more bird facts, click here