
Friends are probably the closest people to you besides your family members. They are supposed to be your source of laughter, the ones you eat ice cream with after tough break ups, and the people you confide your deepest, darkest secrets to.

However, what happens when your friends start to do things that you’re not so cool with? Whether they start hanging out with a new group, become totally enthralled with a boy/girlfriend, or they simply start changing from the person you used to know, it’s kind of devastating. The growing pains of friendship are unavoidable and something everyone goes through. But when things start to get super difficult, or your bestie starts to become your worst enemy, how do you deal? Where do you draw the line at staying friends with someone or letting them go? Here are five of your toughest friendship questions answered.

Your Friend Is Mean, How You Can Stop Her 

Telling your secrets and saying bad remarks are not acceptable from anyone, let alone a friend.  I would sit her down and let her know how much she is hurting you. Friendships should never be about putting up with someone else’s teasing and rude comments. If you want to stop the constant berating, you have to confront her. Some people can’t understand that their words hurt, even if they don’t mean to hurt you. Talking things out is your best option for getting things off your chest and trying to save this friendship. If she doesn’t apologize and make an effort to be nicer, it’s time to find a new friend.

Your Friends Are Mean To You, But You Don’t Want To Be Alone

Please stop hanging out with these people! They do not sound like they are friends anymore and you should not put up with being treated this way. I understand that you have known these people since you were young, but it sounds like it is time for you to leave this group. These folks seem to have adopted a “mean girl/boy” mentality, and pick on you simply because you have not fallen in line with them. I want you to understand that they DO know how mean they are being to you! Do not make excuses for their behaviour. Friends do not pick on each other and they do not exclude each other because of superficial things like clothing. My advice is to stop hanging out with them altogether. I know it may seem scary, but you will find new friends. Until then, keep your head up, you deserve to have friends that are nice and care about you.

Your Friend Is Only Nice To You When S/he Wants To Be

This is a classic case of a two-faced friend. S/he only wants to be your friend when you two are alone, but as soon as other people are around, s/he drops you like a hot potato. Not cool! Any friend who does not respond to messages and tries to embarrass you in school is not a friend you should have. There is no reason to feel loyalty to someone who is mean to you. You don’t owe him/her anything and staying in this friendship is going to only end up hurting you more. You should let him/her know that s/he is not being a good friend to you and remove yourself from the situation. You do not need friends like that, and I am sure there are plenty of people for you to spend your time with.

Has any of these situations ever happened to you? Is your best friend becoming your worst enemy? Let’s know in the comments below.

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