
Author name: Emmanuel Abara Benson

I'm a highly-evolved 21st century human, a lover of knowledge and a Creative Writer amongst other things...

SS2 Computer Science Third Term: Algorithms and Flowcharts

Algorithms and Flowcharts Algorithm and  Flowchart are the two basic terms which aid the development of a software package conveniently. Algorithm: Is a step wise set of finite instructions written to solve a problem, it will be easier to code a program after writing a well prepared algorithm. An algorithm is an effective method that can

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SS2 BiologyThird Term: Grassland Or Savanna Habitats

Introduction A grassland or savanna is a plant community in which grass species are dominant with short but scattered trees and shrubs. The grassland or savanna lies between the forest and the deserts or arid land. Types of Grasslands There are two major types of grasslands. These are the tropical grassland (savanna) and the temperate

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SS2 Chemistry Third Term: Unsaturated Hydrocarbon- Alkenes

Alkenes These are hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond C=C. Another series of compounds is called the alkenes. They have a general formula: CnH2n where n is a positive whole number whic is equal or greater than 2 Alkenes have fewer hydrogen atoms than the alkanes. The extra valencies left over occur as

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SS 2 Mathematics Third Term: Problem Solving on Number Bases Expansion, Conversion and Relationship

Converting from Base b to Base 10 The next natural question is: how do we convert a number from another base into base 10? For example, what does 42015 mean? Just like base 10, the first digit to the left of the decimal place tells us how many 50’s we have, the second tells us how

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SS2 Financial Accounting Third Term: Loan Capital-Debenture Types

What is Loan Capital? Loan Capital is the part of a company’s capital that is not equity capital but earns a fixed rate of interest instead of dividends, and must be repaid within a specified period; irrespective of the company’s financial position. Loan capital may be obtained from a bank or finance company in the

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SS1 Government Third Term: Factors Working against the Success of Pressure Groups

Introduction Most pressure groups have a variety of goals and make a variety of compromises as part of their on-going negotiations and campaigning. For some groups, success may just be ensuring that rival groups do not achieve some of their objectives. Political Culture This is the extent to which pressure group activity is regarded as

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