A 20-year-old boy, Nuru Lateef, was Monday remanded in prison by an Abule-Egba Magistrate’s Court in Lagos for pleading guilty to stealing a BlackBerry phone valued at N62,000.
The magistrate, Mr Tajudeen Elias, remanded the accused in prison custody following his plea of being guilty to stealing a Blackberry smart phone. Elias adjourned the case till December 23, for facts and sentencing.
The accused, who lives in Katangowa Market, Abule-Egba, specialised in stealing Blackberry phones.
The prosecutor, Inspector Racheal Williams, told the court that the offence was committed at Ogba Bus Stop on December13.
He said the accused removed the phone from one Mrs Chigozie Ebikam’s bag, when she was boarding a bus at Ogba Bus Stop.
“The accused had successfully removed the BlackBerry phone but was sighted by one of the passengers, who raised an alarm,” she said.
The offence contravened section 285 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State.