Ever noticed that you are always hungry when you are studying for your exams? That seemingly incessant hunger for food is as a result of the serious brain work you do during exam times. The human brain needs a lot of energy to function on a normal day and when you use your brain for complex activities such as learning and retention, it tends to burn even more energy; hence your incessant hunger. Meanwhile, while it is important to eat during such times, the particular types of meal you consume as very important. This is because certain meals are proven to help you study better. So let us look at some of these foods together; shall we?
FISH: Ever wondered how eating fish can lead to better grades? Well, you do not need to wonder anymore because the answer is simple- fish has high concentrates of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is good for the brain considering how the brain itself is made up fatty tissues too. Therefore, given that some of that needful fat in the brain may be burnt off while it is performing the complex function of helping you study and retain information, it does serve right to replenish the exhausted fat with nutritious Omega-3 fatties. That way, your brain will be relaxed and ready to assist you learn more. Some eat some fish please!
NUTS: Just like fish, many types of nuts (including almonds, cashew nuts and groundnuts to mention a few) contain high levels of essential fatty acids which will enable your brain replenish exhausted nutrients and ultimately perform optimally. Additionally, nuts also contain iron, another vital vitamin which will help provide oxygen to the brain and increase mental alertness as you study. Get some nuts then. Grand nuts aren’t expensive at all. And forget that theory of nuts giving you pimples, guys. There is little scientific theory to explain the connection between those…
Whole Grains: Refined carbohydrates aren’t exactly healthy for several reasons. As a matter of fact, eating high concentrates of carbohydrates is bad for health; although teenagers have the propensity to burn all the calories off. Yet when studying for exams, it is advisable to cut down on your calories intake. The reason for this is because your metabolic system will have more work to break down the carbohydrate, a process that takes several hours. This may cause you to feel sleepy or mentally dull, two things you do not want to happen to you while you are trying to study. That said, instead of eba, fufu and pounded, why not try cornmeal, what and the rest of them grainy foods? It will be food for you!
Legumes: Just like whole grains above, eating legumes which are basically beans of all kinds will help your academic ministry! Think of it…beans are naturally healthy for your body because they contain lots of proteins which the whole body needs for optimal growth and functionality. When the brain is nourished with protein is becomes even better positioned to assimilate new information. That said, I implore you today to consume more legumes. I understand most people do not like beans because…oh well it is beans. But there are other variants of legumes you could as well try out, including chickpeas, lentil beans and kidney beans etc.
Other types of food which are favourably-disposed to the wellness of the brain include-
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Lean meats and
- Water!