

Wondering how she can smell everything? Study reveals girls really do have a better sense of smell than boys

Researchers have solved the mystery of why women have a better sense of smell than men – and say it is all down to their brain. Males and females greatly differ in their perceptual evaluation of odours, with women outperforming men on many kinds of smell tests. However, until now researchers have not known why. […]

Wondering how she can smell everything? Study reveals girls really do have a better sense of smell than boys Read More »

What does your poo say about YOU? Colour guide reveals the health clues in stools

When it comes to toilet habits, everyone is different. But, there are rules that hold true for everyone. Now, a comprehensive guide to poo colours has been drawn up and it can reveal a lot about your health. Faeces can be any shade from brown to green and be considered normal. But, there are other

What does your poo say about YOU? Colour guide reveals the health clues in stools Read More »

How Dolphins, being mammals, sleep for long hours in water without drowning

Dolphins aren’t like fish, which can breathe underwater. They’re mammals and they have to get to the surface to breathe air periodically. And a lot of them – like everyone’s favorite, the bottlenosed dolphin – can only hold their breath for seven minutes or so. So how’s a poor cetacean supposed to get some shut

How Dolphins, being mammals, sleep for long hours in water without drowning Read More »

Is gossiping GOOD for you? Surprisingly, Yes!

Pope Francis recently warned gossip ‘fills the heart with bitterness and also poisons us’. But a new study suggests that gossiping may in fact be good for our self-esteem because it allows us to compare ourselves to others. Dutch researchers have found hearing positive and negative gossip about another individual boosts self-reflection and self-evaluation. But

Is gossiping GOOD for you? Surprisingly, Yes! Read More »

Ebola? No! Study reveals what Nigerians fear most

In a massive survey of thousands of people, the Pew Research Centre recently uncovered what people across the world fear as the biggest global threat. The results were far from unanimous, Huffington Post reports. The survey gave participants five possible options: Religious and ethnic hatred, inequality, Aids and other diseases, nuclear weapons and pollution. While

Ebola? No! Study reveals what Nigerians fear most Read More »

Revealed: Why toothpaste ruins the taste of food

Ever wondered why a drink of sweet orange juice turns horribly bitter after brushing your teeth? According to experts, the sensation is down to a specific chemical, known as sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), a detergent commonly found in toothpaste. This detergent specifically suppresses sweet taste receptors on the tongue, and destroys compounds designed to inhibit

Revealed: Why toothpaste ruins the taste of food Read More »

Hello parents, don’t give your teens cash as incentives to pass exams – ‘it doesn’t work’

Offering teenagers cash to do well in their exams is likely to have little impact on their results, according to research. While parents may use financial incentives to motivate their children to get good grades, a new study suggests doing so may well be pointless. But the promise of a trip or outing in return

Hello parents, don’t give your teens cash as incentives to pass exams – ‘it doesn’t work’ Read More »

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