

Video: Surprising moment a gang of killer whales paralyse a tiger shark before ripping it to pieces

A brutal gang attack on a tiger shark by killer whales has revealed the violence of orcas in all its gruesome detail. The footage, which is believed to be a world-first, shows three killer whales working as a team to force the panicked shark to the surface. The gang wear the shark down and take […]

Video: Surprising moment a gang of killer whales paralyse a tiger shark before ripping it to pieces Read More »

Meet The World’s Longest-Living Animal – Can be alive for 15,000 years!

Sticking with recorded history, the answer might surprise you. It’s not elephants, which live for about 30 or 40 years. It’s not giant tortoises either, even though they often ripen to be well over 100 years old. It’s not even that record-breaking, 507-year-old Arctic clam named Ming. Nope, the longest-living animal in the world is

Meet The World’s Longest-Living Animal – Can be alive for 15,000 years! Read More »

Bad at maths? Blame your mum: Numerical skills are decided in the womb, scientists discover

If you have always found doing sums a struggle, you might just be able to blame your mother. Because research has linked a woman’s hormone levels in pregnancy with her child’s maths skills at age five. Boys and girls whose mothers were very low in the hormone thyroxine were almost twice as likely to do

Bad at maths? Blame your mum: Numerical skills are decided in the womb, scientists discover Read More »

Can’t sleep? Have rice for dinner: High GI foods can help you nod off (but noodles have the opposite effect)

If you can’t sleep at night then it might be worth changing what you have for dinner. Scientists have discovered that eating lots of rice can trigger a deep slumber, while pasta and noodles can actually hinder sleep. The Japanese researchers also found eating bread products – including white bread, pancakes and pizza – had

Can’t sleep? Have rice for dinner: High GI foods can help you nod off (but noodles have the opposite effect) Read More »

Teens who smoke marijuana are 60% less likely to finish school – and are more likely to commit suicide, experts warn

Teenagers who adopt a daily cannabis habit before the age of 17 are 60 per cent less likely to finish secondary school or university, compared to peers who have not used the drug, researchers claim. The study also found that regular teenage cannabis users are seven times more likely to attempt suicide and eight times

Teens who smoke marijuana are 60% less likely to finish school – and are more likely to commit suicide, experts warn Read More »

Explained: Why we all make the same ‘Angry Face’ when we are provoked

When we get angry, we all tend to make the same face — lowering our eyebrows, clenching our jaws, and flaring our nostrils. But as to why people all around the world make that same angry face, scientists really weren’t quite sure. Until now. A new study suggests that our facial expression of anger evolved

Explained: Why we all make the same ‘Angry Face’ when we are provoked Read More »

How communicating through emoticons is making teens become socially awkward, experts warn

It’s the generation that can understand exactly how you’re feeling through a few simple emoticons. But now researchers claim that children are now so engrossed in their phones, they are unable to accurately read how people are feeling in real-life. This is the result of less face-to-face time interaction, according to the study, which found

How communicating through emoticons is making teens become socially awkward, experts warn Read More »

Are we becoming DUMBER? Humans’ IQ scores are decreasing, study reveals

Technology may be getting smarter, but humans are getting dumber, scientists have warned. Evidence suggests that the IQs of people in the UK, Denmark and Australia have declined in the last decade. Opinion is divided as to whether the trend is long-term, but some researchers believe that humans have already reached intellectual peak. An IQ

Are we becoming DUMBER? Humans’ IQ scores are decreasing, study reveals Read More »

Trending: Incredible video shows the brutal scene in which three lions take on a crocodile

It’s dog eat dog in the wild, or in the case of this video captured by a visitor to the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya, it’s a matter of crocodile or lion eats elephant. When an elephant died at the side of a lake in the African reserve, leaving enough meat to feed a multitude

Trending: Incredible video shows the brutal scene in which three lions take on a crocodile Read More »

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