
Grammar Clinic

Grammar Clinic: The REAL difference between ACRONYM and ABBREVIATION

Many students, even writers and speakers, believe these words can be interchanged and will not readily believe they do not mean the same, until they read this. ABBREVIATION (noun) 1. A shortened form of a word or phrase. (e.g. SKU is the abbreviation for Stock Keeping Unit) 2. The process of abbreviating something.     […]

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Grammar Clinic: The REAL Difference Between STATIONARY and STATIONERY

Stationary and Stationery The words stationary and stationery sound almost identical, but they are very different in meaning. 1. Stationary Stationary  means not moving or still. (It can be used as an adjective or an adverb.) Examples: We had to wait patiently in a stationary position for the school shop to open. (Stationary is an adjective in this example). We had to wait stationary for the school

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Grammar Clinic: The REAL difference between DISCREET and DISCRETE

These words are pronounced the same, and they are both adjectives. Discrete means separate, distinct, individual: The two companies have a partnership, but they are discrete entities. We offer three discrete service plans: internet only, internet + cell phone, and internet + cell phone + TV. Discreet describes something that is modest and does not

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Grammar Clinic: The REAL difference between EFFICIENCY and EFFECTIVENESS

These two terms are often confused with each other, but they mean different things. Hint: Efficiency deals with the Process, Effectiveness deals with the Result. The difference between efficiency and effectiveness is that efficiency refers to how well you do something, whereas effectiveness refers to how useful what you’ve done is – regardless of how

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