

How Zambian Teens Are Turning to Text Messages For AIDS Advice

The questions teenagers ask about HIV are brutally honest, anonymous, and sent in 160 characters or less over mobile phone text messages. At U-Report, a Zambian HIV advice organisation, thousands of bite-sized questions come through every day. One asks, “I have a girl who has HIV and now she is talking about marriage what can […]

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Tricks to remaining as germ free as possible when using a shared toilet

Today, November 19, is a day set aside by the United Nations to address issues relating to proper sanitation. This article, therefore, is to help you stay germ-free when using a public toilet. Most people wince at the thought of using a shared toilet, with door handles potentially riddled with germs and dubious looking stains

Tricks to remaining as germ free as possible when using a shared toilet Read More »

Forget door handles and toilet seats – the most germ-infested objects in your home are your TOWELS

Germ-ridden towels could be the worst culprits for spreading bugs around the home, researchers have warned. And it’s not just kitchen towels that are to blame – bath towels can also spread diseases. The problem is twofold: first, towels retain moisture for long periods of time, allowing the bacteria to survive. Secondly, they are used

Forget door handles and toilet seats – the most germ-infested objects in your home are your TOWELS Read More »

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