

After reading this, you’ll never look at a banana in the same way again

Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes. But energy […]

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A good night’s sleep really DOES boost your brain: Getting shut eye helps builds nerve cells linked with learning

  The belief that a good night’s sleep boosts memory has been shown in countless tests. But up until now, direct evidence has been lacking on how exactly sleep strengthens the brains’ neural connections. Now researchers in New York have, for the first time, provided clear physical evidence that sleep fortifies learning. The finding adds

A good night’s sleep really DOES boost your brain: Getting shut eye helps builds nerve cells linked with learning Read More »

The app that detects skin cancer – and could be more accurate than a DOCTOR

Doctors are constantly warning people about the risks of skin cancer, urging them to get any unusual looking moles checked out by doctors. But the process of investigating these lesions can be a long-winded and, in some cases, complicated process. A Houston professor is hoping to drastically cut the time it takes to identify cancerous

The app that detects skin cancer – and could be more accurate than a DOCTOR Read More »

Who wants sparkling white teeth?… These are foods that naturally whiten your teeth

We’ve all been told to avoid red wine, dark berries and black coffee in our quests for pearly whites; but what about foods that actually brighten your smile? Try these natural solutions for a brilliant beam. Strawberries They may be bright red, but malic acid, a chief component of this summery fruit, acts as a

Who wants sparkling white teeth?… These are foods that naturally whiten your teeth Read More »

A good night’s sleep really CAN make you feel better – Researchers say

  It has long been said that a good night’s sleep can make you feel better, and researchers have finally found it to be true. They say sleep gives our immune systems a major boost, particularly if we are fighting off an infection. Experiments in flies found that in the case of major infection, sleep

A good night’s sleep really CAN make you feel better – Researchers say Read More »

What does your poo say about YOU? Colour guide reveals the health clues in stools

When it comes to toilet habits, everyone is different. But, there are rules that hold true for everyone. Now, a comprehensive guide to poo colours has been drawn up and it can reveal a lot about your health. Faeces can be any shade from brown to green and be considered normal. But, there are other

What does your poo say about YOU? Colour guide reveals the health clues in stools Read More »

The science of SMELL: Expert reveals truth behind smelly feet and armpits

Some people have a force-field of terrible breath or feet that smell so repellent that insoles are never enough to dampen the disgusting odour. And while people have their own unique scent, it is a surprisingly select cocktail of chemicals that create the distinctive and disgusting aromas associated with bad body odour. Now, a secondary

The science of SMELL: Expert reveals truth behind smelly feet and armpits Read More »

Craving that perfect shape? 7 Exercises That Will Transform Your Body

  Looking for some effective ways to transform your body? There are a few great exercises that will help you to reach your fitness goal. These exercises are easy but effective in strengthening your body along with burning unwanted calories. However, sticking to these exercises is not enough to transform your body, you should also

Craving that perfect shape? 7 Exercises That Will Transform Your Body Read More »

Can Soft Drink Hurt You? The Real Side Effects of Cola Drinks

We human beings are on the verge of health destruction just because we don’t pay real attention to our daily eating(s). Certainly, soft drinks or colas are one of those food ingredients that are extremely injurious to our health. What’s in cola? Caffeine: There’s always been a definite amount of caffeine in every cola and

Can Soft Drink Hurt You? The Real Side Effects of Cola Drinks Read More »

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