
Characteristics of Brilliant Students every Teen should imitate

Have you ever wondered why there are certain students in your class who are just super intelligent, making all the good grades whereas you don’t? Perhaps you have been asked by your daddy whether the girl that made the best result in your class last term had two heads. Chances are that you have even tried to be friends with the best student in your class but s/he simply shunned you. And then now you are wondering how you too can become a brilliant student in class. Well there are no magical tricks to becoming a brilliant student. All it takes is hard work and dedication. In the paragraphs below, I will introduce you to some of the characteristics of brilliant students so you can imitate them. Do learn!


Naturally, teenagers are messy. Most of them would throw things here and there and never bother with organization. But this is not the case with brilliant students; at least most of them. The brilliant students are the ones who will keep their rooms properly arranged at all times, their school books stacked properly and everything in order. The truth is that disorganization can easily disorient one and make tasks difficult to accomplish. And that is where brilliant students get it right- their ability to organize everything and have nothing distract them from their studies. So do you want to be brilliant in class? Learn to be organized.


Everyone have twenty hours in a day which may not be enough considering the many tasks we have to accomplish each day. The truth however is that having the ability to efficiently manage one’s time is one of the keys to success. You must therefore design a personal daily timetable (asides the general timetables in your schools and at the homes) which will help you to stay dedicated towards accomplishing each of the necessary tasks you must accomplish on a daily basis. That is one trick that brilliant students have in common- their effective time management skills. Be like them.


It’s rare to see a brilliant student who does not actively contribute and ask questions in the classroom. They are usually inquisitive and eager to learn new things. This is unlike the regular students who could just sit in the classroom all day without making a single contribution. Now there is no need to emphasize the need for class interactive sessions. When students and teachers interact in class, more ideas about the topic under discussion are shared. This sharing of ideas engenders better understanding any topic under discussion which ultimately enables students become better informed.  That said, my advice for you is to let your curiosity drive you to academic success.


They have the grit to face those difficult Maths equations and study those confusing concepts until they comprehend. Brilliant students do not give up when the going gets tough, instead they keep going. They are ever determined to overcome challenges triumphantly. And that is the reason why even though most of their mates complain that the subjects are just too difficult to understand, they concern themselves more with understanding the difficult subjects instead of merely complaining. So do not go about complaining; be proactively-involved in solving the academic problems you might be facing.


Finally, no amount of organization, time management, participation or grit will matter one bit if you don’t exercise the self-discipline to judiciously apply them to your studies. In other words, any student who is ever successful is also disciplined; constantly trying to do everything necessarily to ensure success. Studying hard is not fun. But with discipline and knowing what the outcome will be, you will find yourself giving your books the right attention. That is what brilliant students do. Be like them.


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