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Classwork Exercise and Series (Civic Education- SS1): Civil Society

Meaning of Civil Society

Civil society refers to any non-governmental entity formed by a group of people with similar interests who come together to work on a common goal

It is a society in which each individual is allowed to pursue their own separate interest, as long as it does not harm anyone else

Civil society usually refers to life outside the home / family (Globalized community) usually a nation with a distinct form of Government.

Civil Society is the aggregate of non- governmental organizations and institutions that manifest interests and will of the citizens.

Civil society is usually referred to as the third sector of the society, where the first sector is the government, the second sector is the business and the third sector is the civil society. Civil societies are usually populated by organizations that are independent of the state; they are self reliant and self generating funds to some extent, such as registered charities, community groups, Professional associations, trade unions, self help group, media organizations, Faith based groups etc.

Principles of Civil Society

It has been suggested by scholars that that there are three principles of civil society. Which are?

  1. Principle of participatory engagement: This principle states that all member of a group have access to participate in the group
  2. Principle of constitutional authority: This principle states that the right of every individual must be protected, the group is constitutionally legitimized.
  3. Principle of moral responsibility: This principle states that every member of the group have moral responsibility to use their civil liberties in the way that do not violate the human right of others.

Functions and Need for Civil Society

  1. Civil society makes state at all level to be accountable, responsive and to be more effective. They help to limit and control the power of the state
  2. It promotes political participation through the process of educating people about the about their rights and obligations as democratic citizen and also encourage them to participate in election.
  3. Building community; engagement and participation in voluntary associations also has the potential to strengthen bonds among citizens.
  4. It can help as training ground for future leaders
  5. It can also help to inform the public about important public issues
  6. It can also help to play an important role in meditating and helping to resolve conflict.
  7. Socialization; civil society contributes to the formation and practice of democratic attitudes among citizens. Thus people learn to develop tolerance, mutual trust and the ability to relate with people.
  8. It can also help to play an important role in meditating and helping to resolve conflicts among people.

Qualities and Characteristics of Civil Society

  1. Civil society is based on an individual freedom; force do not characterized civil society.
  2. Most of the activities of civil society take place locally at grass roots.
  3. The citizens organize activities and service for themselves and other people.
  4. Their desires are to learn but also to help others encourage many people to be active and participate in activities of the civil society.
  5. In civil society, activities are provided, services produced for members and customers in a non profit making i.e. in a charitable
  6. Civil society is able to adjust to the hopes, needs, and desires of people as well as the changes of the surrounding environment.
  7. Civil society receives their funding as general grants which left room for their own deliberation and decision making power.
  8. In civil society, people are at the same time actors and objects of action.

Test and Exercise

  1. Civil society is usually referred to as the——- sector of the society (a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth
  2. Civil society is (a) a governmental organization (b) nongovernmental organization (c) international organization (d) local organization. ans (b)
  3. ———- is the aggregate of nongovernmental organizations and institutions that manifest interests and will of citizens.(a) popular participation (b) political apathy (c) civil society (d) civil department. ans (c)
  4. The principle of civil society that states that all member of the civil society must participate in all the activities of the society is (a) moral responsibility (b) constitutional authority (c) participatory engagement (d) all of the above. ans (c)
  5. All of the following are qualities of civil society except (a) it is not to be joined by force (b) they help to encourage citizens in knowing their right (c) their major aim is to make profit (d) Most of their activities take place locally at the grassroots.

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