
Classwork Exercise and Series (Geography-SS2): Action of Waves

Meaning of Wave

  1. Process of wave erosion
  2. Features produced by wave erosion
  3. Features of wave deposition

Meaning of Wave

A wave is an oscillation of water particles. It is the most potent agent of marine erosion. Their actions are confined to coasts of oceans and seas.

Process of wave erosion

  1. Corrosion: This occurs when the mass of fragments carried by wave action erodes the foot of cliffs.
  2. Attrition: These occurs when the friction between materials transportation by waves wear down themselves to fine pieces of fragments
  3. Solution: This happens when rock like limestone and chalk dissolve in water

Features produced by wind erosion

  1. Cape and Bay: These are features of marines erosion in coastlines. Cape is the hard rock while Bay is the oft rock. A cape is a prominent projection or cliff protruding into the sea. A Bay is wide opening carrying part of the sea into the land.
  2. Cliff and Wave – Cut: A cliff is a rock found along the sea cost where the land rises steeply, while a wave-cut is a base of a cliff left as the cliff reaches landwards under the impact of the wave.
  3. Coastal Cave: A cave is a hole produced in the regions of local weakness at the base of a cliff. The pressure in the cave increases due to air compression resulting in an expansion hollow with step sides.

Other erosional features of waves are arch, stack and stump.

Features of wave deposition

  1. Beaches: They are made up of sand and gravel deposited by wave action. These deposit of sand and gravels are called beaches
  2. Spits: A spit is a long narrow accumulation of sand and shingle with one end landwards and the other seawards across the estuary. They are characterized by long narrow ridges e.g Senegal
  3. A Bar: It is a deposited of mud, sand and shingle at the offshore parallel to the coast. Example is Fete near Senegal Baraku
  4. Marine Dune and Belts: They are dunes or sand dune belts resulting from the force of offshore winds which deposited them towards the land

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