
Classwork Exercise and Series (Home Economics- JSS 2): Living Together In The Family

Meaning of family

A family is a group of people who are related by birth or blood. It is a group of people closely related by blood, marriage ties and adoption. The topic on family has been discussed in our previous classes.

Living together in the family

Living together in the family is a situation where every member of the family i.e the father,wife or wives and children including the extended families at times live together in unity. It is a situation where there is no separation between the families

Advantages of living together as family

Living together in a a family have so many advantages; which are:

  1. Provision of security; living together as a family ensures every member of the family to be secured fro any form of threat from any outsider and give them rest of mind than living separately.
  2. he love in the family becomes stronger
  3. Economic strength for one another and the psychological well-being it imposes on the group
  4. Living together builds confidence in the children
  5. It helps the children and other member of the family to show love to their friends and members of the society
  6. Living together as a family brings happiness, protection and growth in the family
  7. It helps to build good reputation for the family

What happens when families don’t live together

When family members don’t live together; the following are the consequences:

  1. There will be no growth and development in such family
  2. The children can end up becoming violent because of lack of love
  3. Children from separated family lacks confidence and usually feel unsafe
  4. It breeds unhealthy children

Test and Exercise

  1. A family is defined as————-
  2. Living together as family means—————
  3. One advantage of living together as family is
    (a) it brings happiness, protection and growth
    (b) it causes children to be violent
    (c) it causes backwardness in the family
    (d) all of the above
  4. What happens when family don’t live together?  

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