
Classwork Series and Exercises {ICT-JSS2}: BASIC Statements II


BASIC Statements II

OUTPUT Statements: These are the result of the executed program obtained by the computer.

There are three (3) major output statements and they are as follows in details:


I)       The PRINT Statement: This displays what is in the computer memory on the screen. The short form of it is a question mark (?). The PRINT statement in effect helps to see the result of our operations on screen.

II)      The LPRINT (Line Print) Statement: This is used to send the output of a program to the printer i.e. it is used to print on paper or any other printing material fixed on the printer and it is used in the same way with PRINT Statement.

III)     The WRITE Statement: This is used to output data to the screen. It is similar to the PRINT statement. The difference between the WRITE and PRINT statement is the comma that WRITE puts between displayed items.

Other BASIC Statements are discussed as follows:

The END Statement: It terminates a BASIC Program permanently. After the END statement, no other statement is allowed to follow.


 Line number END

The STOP Statement: It terminates a BASIC program temporarily. After the STOP statement, other statement can follow.


Line number STOP



Tests and Exercises

1.    __________ is the statement that produces the result of the executed program.

a.    Output statement b. Input statement c. Let statement d.  REM Statement. Answer: Output statement

2.    Which of the following cannot be regarded as an output statement?

a.    Write Statement  b. Print statement   c. Line Print statement  d. END statement. Answer: END statement

3.    An Output statement that display what is the computer memory on the screen only is _____.

a.    Write statement b. Print statement   c.  Line Print statement d. All of the above     Answer: Print statement

4.    Printing out on paper or hardcopy document is done by __________.

a.    Line Print statement b. Write statement c.  Print statement   d. None of the above. Answer: Line Print statement

5.    ________ statement terminates the BASIC program temporarily.

a.    END   b.  STOP    c.  PAUSE   d.  DOT. Answer:  STOP

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