
Classwork Series and Exercises {Agricultural Science – SS1}: Farm Records


Agricultural Science. S.S.S 1 Third Term

TOPIC: Farm Records


Farm records are written account of work expenses and income in farming enterprises.

 Types of Farm records

There are many records that needs to be kept in a farm,some of which are

  • Farm diary: This is a records of day to day records of everything that happens in a farm.
  • Farm inventory: A record of all asset owned by the farmers and the cash values of the item e.g land, equipment, crops in the farm and in storage.
  • Input records: This is a record of all the items in running the farm during the years, it’s used in calculating the farm profit
  • Production Records: A record of all items produced in the farm, it enables the farmers to know which projects are more profitable.
  • Labour Diary: This is a records of day to day work done on the farm,it’s uses to determine the work done, amount of labour expended and the cost at the end of each operation
  • Sales records: A records of all products sold by the farmer e.g eggs,yam,goat etc
  • Consumption records: A record of all farm product consumed by the farmer and his family

Importance of Farm records

  • Farm records enable the farmer to make proper return to the boards of internal revenue for correct tax assessment
  • It provides the farmers with the clear idea of how much money is coming in and how much it is wise to spend
  • It enables the farmers to know whether he is making profit or loss
  • It helps the farmer to obtain loans and subsides from government
  • It helps the farmers to make budgets and plan his business
  • It enables the farmers to make good management and decision
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