
Classwork Series and Exercises {Agricultural Science – SS2}: Survey and Planning of Farm Steads


Agricultural Science. S.S.S 2 Third Term

TOPIC: Survey and planning of farmsteads


Farm surveying is the process of measuring and mapping out the position, height, size and boundary of an area of farmland.

Surveying generally, is the act of making measurements of the relative positions of the natural and man made features on the earth surfaces and the plotting of these measurements to some suitable scales forming a map, plan or section.

Importance of farm surveying

  1. It helps to know the size or hectarage of a farmstead and the arrangement of land for proper usage without the risk of land degredation.
  2. Farm surveying help to make proper use of resources available and also to project the maximum profit achieved.
  3. Results of farm survey can be used as collateral for security loan from finacial institutions.
  4. Absolute and relative positions of points on the farm and earth’s surface can be determined.
  5. The topograph or gradient of the farm land can also be determined.
  6. It enables the farmer to lay his farm into plots.
  7. Land owners also feel more secure with survey reports


What is farm survey?

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