
Classwork Series and Exercises {Basic Science – JSS2}: Deforestation

Week 5

Topic: Deforestation


Deforestation is the act of cutting down of trees in an area.

Forests are of great importance to us and our environment. But the rate at which the trees and forests are cleared is so alarming and could leads to deforestation. Trees are being cut down indiscriminately for timber, firewood, establishment of industries etc. which could pose serious environmental and climatic problems as wildlife is widely affected,  leading to destruction of the animals habitat, wild life extinction and soil erosion.

Reasons for Deforestation

  1. The reasons for deforestation include:
  2. Production of timber for wood works e.g. furniture.
  3. Production of firewood and charcoal for domestic and industrial purposes.
  4. Urbanization of towns.
  5. Establishment of industries, markets, churches, houses, mosques, etc.
  6. Construction of roads and bridges, etc.

Effects of Deforestation on the Environment

The effects of deforestation include:

  1. Destruction of windbreaks which gives way for adverse wind attack.
  2. Soil erosion which causes destruction to farmland and buildings.
  3. Global warming caused by large concentration of CO2
  4. Intense evaporation of soil water and soil nutrients due to exposure of the soil.
  5. Danger to wildlife and possible extinction of some species of plants and animals.
  6. Shortage of food due to drought.
  7. Destruction of arboreal habitat.
  8. Leads to loss of forest resources.

Regulations of Deforestation

Government has enacted laws and strict regulations to control deforestation. In order to protect the forest from excessive exploitation, government has introduced the following regulations on deforestation.

  1. Government has set out large expanse of land and forest as reserved areas.
  2. Government has made laws that will guide and preserve forests from human destruction.
  3. When trees are felled they should be replanted. This process of replanting trees is known as reafforestation.
  4. Anybody who fails to keep any these regulations should be punished or made to pay a heavy fine to deter others from destroying forests.
  5. Foresting should be made compulsory in our educational curriculum.

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