
Classwork Series and Exercises {Computer Studies – JSS1}: Computer Ethics

Computer Science,JSS 1, Week 4

Topic: Computer Ethics

Computer Ethics

Computer ethics can be defined as a set of moral principle that requires the use of computer. It deals with how computer professional should make decision regarding professionals and social conduct.

Computer ethics are rules that govern the use of a computer system. Ethics deals with placing a “value” on acts according to whether they are “good” or “bad”. Every society has its rules about whether certain acts are ethical or not. These rules have been established as a result of consensus in society and are often written into laws. Computer ethics are increasingly becoming important because of the rising number of cyber crime issues, including software piracy, unauthorized access, pornography, spamming, target marketing, and hacking. The widespread popularity and use of the Internet has given rise to a number of cybercrime issues and concerns about user privacy. Various computing applications are tampered with to invade into other’s privacy. Malware, spyware, freeware, and browser cookie exploits are some of the notorious computing applications that have spurred the debate of importance of ethical behavior in technology.Some of the rules you should follow while using computer are:


  • Check your email regularly
  • Avoid liquid and moist from dropping into the computer system
  • Protect the system from power fluctuation
  • Unplug the system when not in use
  • Respond to email promptly and politely
  • Use dust cover or proof to cover the system after use


  • Any restricted files stardom the computer should not be accessed
  • You should not give your user name and password to any one
  • You should not alter any information on the system except your own
  • Be polite to others on the net
  • Be careful not to use rude or bad language online
  • Do not break any laws
  • Be patients with new comers
  • Your message should be simple on the point.

Computer Room Management Ethics

For the effective operation and performance of a computer system. Vital thing needed to be considered when installing a computer and they are stated as follows.

  1. Proper Ventilation: There should be ventilation in order to prevent congestion where people works with computer (computer room)
  2. Neat Environment: The computer room must be kept neat, tidy, and free from dust and dirts. This is important because dirts and dust can cause damage to the computer hardware equipment.
  3. Access to Computer Room: The computer room should be restricted to authorized users or staff, for instance staff may e given an access card that will be slot into open the door when entering
  4. Appropriate Illumination: Computer room needs appropriate light for people to see clearly, florescent bulb should be based to make the room suitable for operation.

Laboratory Rule and Regulation

  1. The computer room must be kept neat and clean
  2. The computer room must be swept everyday
  3. The computer room must not be wet at all
  4. The computer is not a place where we eat
  5. Always cover the computer with a jacket after use
  6. Always switch off all the appliances after use
  7. Unauthorized user must be restricted from the computer
  8. The computer room must be dust free environment
  9. The computer room should be kept cool with air condition

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