
Classwork Series and Exercises {Literature In English – SS1}: Narrative Devices In Literature

Literature In English, SS 1, Week 2

Topic: General characteristics of prose writing

Content:Narrative Devices in Literature

The major characteristic of prose work is the use of narrative devices such as flashback. Others include: a. the introduction of conflict. b. the use of chapters and paragraphs c. the use of characters.

Narrative Devices in Literature

A writer adopts different strategies to tell his story. Devices in literature include:

  1. Foreshadowing: Foreshadowing is a device used to describe events that are yet to happen in the story.
  2. Monologue: Monologue is a device adopted to reveal the inner mind of a character. It is classified into two:(a) aside  (b) soliloquy. An aside occurs when a character talks to himself in the presence of the audience, but the other cast in the play do not hear, even if they heard what was said, they acted otherwise. On the other hand, soliloquy happens when a character talks to him only when other casts are not around, here, it is only the audience that listens to him.
  3. Suspense: Suspense is a device used to reduce an already built up tension. It can be done by introducing a jester or deviate from the expectations of the audience.
  4. Flashback: Flashback is a device used by writers to bring the past issue, action and event to the present. It is done to link the past with the present.
  5. Dialogue: Dialogue is an integral part of literary work. It is used to avoid ambiguity in time, event and action in any literary piece. It is use to make their narration a bit dramatic and real.
  6. Point of View: Point of View is the way the novelists sees his work, casts and the story. It include: a. the first person point of view. b. autobiography narrative device .c. the third person point of view .d. Omniscient point of view.
  7. Stream of Consciousness
  8. Epistolary Device

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