Physical Health Education, JSS 3, Week 1
Topic: Communicable Diseases
- Meaning of Communicable disease
- List of communicable disease
Meaning of Communicable Disease
Communicable diseases spread from one person to another or from an animal to a person. The spread often happens via airborne viruses or bacteria, but also through blood or other bodily fluid. The terms infectious and contagious are also used to describe communicable disease.
List of communicable diseases
- Ebola
- Flu
- Measles
- Pertussis
- Rabies
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Tuberculosis
- West Nile Virus
How to prevent communicable diseases
The means to prevent communicable disease
- Avoid contact with a person with any communicable disease
- After doing anything, e.g eating, going to the toilet, ensure that you thoroughly and regularly wash your hand with soap and clean water.
- Use gloves when taking care of infected patient
- Blood should be thoroughly tested before transfusion
- People should be faithful with their sex partner.
- Maintain a healthy and clean environment
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