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The Fear of Failure: Understanding Teens’ Aversion to Failure and Ways to assist them

The fear of failure is one of the greatest obstacles to success; second only to laziness. And the unfortunate thing perhaps is the fact that this fear affects a lot people even more than laziness does. Teenagers are particularly affected, especially teenagers who study in places like Nigeria where their levels of intelligence is adjudged […]

The Fear of Failure: Understanding Teens’ Aversion to Failure and Ways to assist them Read More »

Here are some of the things Students should be taught about Public Speaking

Public speaking is one essential skill every student must endeavour to possess. It is needful throughout one’s academic pursuit and will be also be useful even while one is finally engaged in the corporate world. Unfortunately, many young people in Nigeria can hardly speak fluently before a crowd. And this is mainly because schools fail

Here are some of the things Students should be taught about Public Speaking Read More »

Understanding Social Anxiety: What it is and how it affects Teens

Social Anxiety is a psychological concept used to describe a kind of phobia; an overwhelming fear of being judged or embarrassed in public. Please note that this fear is beyond the usual discomfort associated with speaking in front of a large crowd. You can also feel really scared of even showing up in small gatherings

Understanding Social Anxiety: What it is and how it affects Teens Read More »

The major Differences between British and American English every Teen should know

To some people, English language is English language. But to those who know, there are major differences between the many variants of English language; precisely the differences between British and American English. Unfortunately, many Nigerians (who are supposed to be British English speakers by the way) very often make the mistake of confusing American spelling

The major Differences between British and American English every Teen should know Read More »

Important things every Parent must teach their teens

Parenting is beyond conceiving babies, birthing them and providing them with the best care they could have. For inasmuch as those things are good, it is not enough. Instead, it is the responsibility of parents to always make sure that they are raising very good children who will one day become model citizens of society.

Important things every Parent must teach their teens Read More »

What really are the benefits of studying Mathematics?

There is so much emphasis on the need for students to study Mathematics and master it. But rarely are they told the benefits studying the subjects will accord them. This [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][perhaps] explains

What really are the benefits of studying Mathematics? Read More »

Commonly confused English Words every Teen should take note of

The English language is replete with English words that are often confused with each other. The reasons could be because they sound alike even though they have very different meanings, have the same spelling/pronunciation or because their meanings are almost similar such that you think you could interchangeably use them. But no matter the excuses for

Commonly confused English Words every Teen should take note of Read More »

Characteristics of Brilliant Students every Teen should imitate

Have you ever wondered why there are certain students in your class who are just super intelligent, making all the good grades whereas you don’t? Perhaps you have been asked by your daddy whether the girl that made the best result in your class last term had two heads. Chances are that you have even

Characteristics of Brilliant Students every Teen should imitate Read More »

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