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Teens! Using these Words on a daily basis will make you sound Super Smart

It is the [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][secret] desire of every literate person to sound intelligent when they speak or write. And one of the easiest ways to achieve that is the ability to correctly join

Teens! Using these Words on a daily basis will make you sound Super Smart Read More »

Daily Grammar Mistakes every Teen should avoid

The most important rule to writing and speaking well is to be attentive to all grammar rules. Unfortunately, this is a rule many people find difficult to obey. As a result, when they speak or write, their speeches and compositions are replete with blunders too obvious to ignore. Anyway, I present to you some of

Daily Grammar Mistakes every Teen should avoid Read More »

Teens! Here are simple Tips to help you with your Homework

For most teenagers, homework is such a stress! It is understandable though because you would rather prefer to play after spending the whole day in school. Moreover, doing homework can be so time-consuming and even frustrating. But then every teenager must do their homework. You may not believe it, but doing your homework is actually

Teens! Here are simple Tips to help you with your Homework Read More »

Are you Dyslexic? These Tips should help you

Being dyslexic can be such a challenge, both for the student and for teachers. This is because not only will a dyslexic student struggle with reading and understanding school work, the teachers themselves will also have troubles teaching such a student. There is also the possibility of such student being bullied by other things who

Are you Dyslexic? These Tips should help you Read More »

Important Employability Skills every Teen must endeavour to learn

In today’s job market, a good set of employability skills is what will most likely help you get you a job and keep such. Employers are always on the lookout for candidates who possess such skills. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of skill labour in Nigeria today; a major problem. It is interesting however to

Important Employability Skills every Teen must endeavour to learn Read More »

Tips on Ways Teens can stick to their Study Plans

Yesterday, I wrote about the importance of setting realistic academic goals and organizing your 2017 study plans, with a promise to follow up those posts with another one offering tips on ways to stick judiciously to your study plan. Well here am I keeping real to my promise. The tips below are simple and straight

Tips on Ways Teens can stick to their Study Plans Read More »

Teens! Learn how to discipline yourself towards achieving your Academic Goals

This article is important to every teenager, especially those who have overtime formed the unproductive habits of putting tasks off until the last minute and finding it hard to stick to their plans. Perhaps you have already started feeling the negative impacts of such bad habits and you now wish to turn a new leaf.

Teens! Learn how to discipline yourself towards achieving your Academic Goals Read More »

These Brain Foods that will help Teens study well and make good Grades

Ever noticed that you are always hungry when you are studying for your exams? That seemingly incessant hunger for food is as a result of the serious brain work you do during exam times. The human brain needs a lot of energy to function on a normal day and when you use your brain for

These Brain Foods that will help Teens study well and make good Grades Read More »

Effective Teaching Practices every Teacher should embrace

Good teachers always look out for new ways to be innovative and become better teachers.  This because to become a better teacher, it is essential to continually try new in the classroom. One of the best ways to be innovative is go on trainings, research, read peer reviews and keep abreast with what your counterparts

Effective Teaching Practices every Teacher should embrace Read More »

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