English Language JSS1 Second TermBy Adejoke Mokolade / July 14, 2015 You need to be logged in to access this lesson. Lessons COMPLETE SCHEME OF WORKWEEK TWO:- {Vowel /u/, Adverbials, Letter writing and Folktales}WEEK THREE:- {Vowel /u:/, The Simple Present Tense, Formal letter and Poetry}WEEK FOUR:- {Vowel /ʌ/, The Simple Past Tense, The Federal Road Safety Commission, Types of Poetry and Differences between oral and written literature}WEEK FIVE:- {Vowel /З:/, The Present Continuous Tense, Narrative Essay and Drama}WEEK SIX:- {Vowel /Ə/, The Past Continuous Tense and Argumentative Essay: Arranging ideas in a logical way}WEEK SEVEN:- {Vowel /Þ/ and /ᴐ:/, Making sentence with simple present tense, Expository Essay and Myths and Legends}WEEK EIGHT:- {Vowels /e/ and /Ə/, Future Tense, Argumentative Essay: Road Transportation and Air Transportation and The Features of myths and legends}WEEK NINE:- {Diphthongs, Making sentences with the simple past tense And Guided Composition: A Festival in my village}