

MYSTERY SOLVED: Why humans live longer than other mammals

The mystery as to why humans outlive almost all other mammals may have finally been solved. An international team of scientists compared how much energy the average primate uses each day with the equivalent amount of energy other mammals use. Researchers discovered, somewhat surprisingly, that primates burn half the calories of similar sized mammals, and […]

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MYSTERY SOLVED: The Exact Size Of Universe Revealed

  An ultra-precise new galaxy map is shedding light on the properties of dark energy, the mysterious force thought to be responsible for the universe’s accelerating expansion. A team of researchers working with the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) has determined the distances to galaxies more than 6 billion light-years away to within 1 percent

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Why do zebras have stripes? These researchers claim they know

  Why zebras have their stripes is one of the oldest mysteries in evolutionary biology. A team of UK researchers now claims it has uncovered evidence that the stripes are used by the African equines to dazzle predators. The markings, they claim, work as an optical illusion that conceal a zebra’s movements and protect it

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Enjoy It While It Lasts! 25 Amazing Truths About Being A Teenager

Nobody keeps their secondary school friends forever. You’ll fail a math test once in your life. Your teachers will assign you seats away from your friends and your parents will assign you to your room when you do illegal things. You’re going to cry over friends whose names you won’t remember in 20 years. You’re

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The Alarming Truth About What Technology Is Really Doing To Teenagers

  If it seems like your kids are constantly plugged in, tapping away on their iPhones, obsessively gaming and SnapChatting way more than they’re actually … chat-chatting — well, that’s because they are. It’s estimated that children ages 8 to 18 spend an average of seven hours a day behind screens; teens send an average

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Teacher vs Student: How Each Actually Uses Social Media

According to the handy infographic below, which details how both teachers and students view some of the more popular social media platforms. Facebook is for old people (according to students). And with just about the expected amount of no surprise, teachers and students see each platform quite differently. Teachers’ favorites are not student favorites, and

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