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Four Subjects Students Love To Hate And Why

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry…these are just a few of the subjects students love to hate. In my case, I hated Mathematics with passion because it caused me sleepless nights and uncountable headaches. And I’m not the only one! Back then in school, there were countless number people in my class who did hate Mathematics just as I’m sure some f you guys do hate it today. The interesting thing [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][though] is that I wish I had mastered the subject when I had the time because be it as difficult as it may and despite the fact that it is widely hated, it remains a very important subject.

i hate math

Interestingly, Mathematics is not the only subject that is very much hated by students. As a matter of fact, every student has particular subjects s/he hates with passion; more like the saying that one man’s food is another’s poison.  It may therefore surprise you to realize that practically every subject is hated by various students for one reason or the other.  Do you have a particular subject you hate with passion just as you have your favourite subjects? Care to know why students hate the subjects they do and what you can do to love such subjects? Well then read along, please!

MATHEMATICS: Mathematics is very abstract in nature and this accounts for why it is very disliked by students. With all those algebra, equations and the rest, you start to wonder what in the world you will be doing with them. And to make it all worse, some of the teachers handling Mathematics in schools are either incompetent in the field or simply lacking in patience and ability to really teach. Let’s be frank, there are only a few Nigerian students who look forward to Math classes. And a major reason for this is because most Mathematics teachers are harsh. They lack the patience and the ability to make students fall in love with the subject. The typical Mathematics classroom experiences are characterized by fear and anxiety- the anxiety that the teacher will either punish/embarrass you if you get the answers incorrectly during class exercises. And of course there is also the fear of actually failing the subject during exam.  This apprehension, coupled with the difficult nature of the subject ultimately makes students to hate the subject. But you really shouldn’t because the truth is that you need Mathematics every single day of your life. Now one of the ways to learn it is by getting rid of the fear mentality first. The teachers will have a lot to do in this regard; never punish a student for not learning fast. Understandably, it can be frustrating to teach someone and they fail to grasp. But come on, it’s Mathematics. Create an atmosphere of love and watch your students fall head over heels in love with numeracy.

CHEMISTRY: Come on now; this subject requires us to know the elements of the periodic table, the different formulas for many substances (including salt for chrissake!), how to balance a chemical equation and so much more.  You begin to ask yourself what you could possibly do with all that. Well here is to burst your bubble- inasmuch as I can imagine how difficult it must bear to study that subject, it is very important for you to do so especially if it is related to what you intend to practice when you grow up. It may also interest you to know that the study of Chemistry has helped a lot into making human existence a very comfortable one. One of the ways to get yourself to fall in love with the subject is to read about general Chemistry, focusing on the amazing things Chemistry helps us to achieve as well as stories about notable Chemists doing amazing things around the world. In all these, it is important that schools devise more exciting ways of teaching students this important subject. The labouratories must be in place and practicals should be norm. Moreover, the need for competent and caring teachers not be underestimated.

PHYSICS: Most students hate Physics because just like Mathematics, it is abstract. There are just too many formulas that must be learnt, and in the case of our Nigerian school system, zero practicals to go with it. Physics is certainly a very important subject and as a matter of fact everything we use today is a direct result of Physics. Unfortunately, the manner in which it is often taught makes it unappealing to most students. Well, one of the ways you may try to help the situation is by figuring out ways you can apply the knowledge you’ve acquired from Physics class into solving real time physical problems around. Imagine yourself being able to design completely new engineering structures and let that be your motivation to learn Physics!

ENGLISH: It may surprise you to realize that many students hate English language. This is understandable because the many rules of the language which you are required to painstakingly imbibe and adhere to (when speaking and writing) can be a lot to handle. Most students find it a lot more difficult to write than to speak and this is perhaps due to the fact that the technicalities of any language come to bear when writing it. But there is a simple remedy for this! Any good English Language teacher should give students daily writing assignments which will ultimately help you improve your writing skills. By writing regularly about things you care about, you will gradually improve and be able to write easily and without fear. Also, reading matters a lot, and by reading I am talking about leisure reading. Form the habit of picking up a good book (beyond the ones recommended for you) and read just for the sake of having a good time.

I shall stop here for now. But feel free to discuss your favourite subjects and most hated subjects in the comment section. All the best with your studies!


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