We all love our friends no doubt; especially so if they are good to us. We celebrate with them when they win, and mourn together with them when things are bad. That’s friendship, that amazing bond that’s almost as strong as blood. But the thing about friendship is that it’s rarely constant. Our friends change as we advance through the many stages of life. Just take a walk down memory lane and you’d realize that most of your friends today weren’t your friends three years ago. The people you went to Primary School together with are probably strangers to you know. And tomorrow as you move on to Secondary School, you will inevitably be separated from most of your friends. For the fact that we move from place to place and meet new people in between, it’s only natural that our friends change.
Now I understand some people are lucky enough to have their Best Friends for the rest of their lives. But this is very rare. In any case, it’s important for us to be careful of whom we surround ourselves with. Friends are important aspects of our lives; they can make or mare us. Therefore, as you go about meeting new people and befriending them, here are a few types of personalities to be weary of.
THE CONTROL FREAKS: These “friends” will always want to control you, making you do things you normally wouldn’t want to. They are the first to insist on dinner at the hottest new restaurant, always forcing you to live a little beyond your means even if it means living a fake life. Do not let them drag you down a path you’re not ready for. You should avoid these sort of people because they are hardly any good for you. You do not need to be friends with people who are bent on making you do only the things the like; they can mislead you once they become able to control you. Instead, you need a friend who respects your ability to make decisions for yourself without them interfering. So be weary of them.
THE NIGHTMARE ROOMMATE: Now, just because you’ve been friends with someone since Nursery School doesn’t mean you can live with [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][them]. And one of the ways to really know if someone is a good friendship material is if you can live with them. Having roommates is all about sharing responsibilities — deciding who does the dishes, who sweep the room etc. Leaving a few dirty pans in the sink is an annoying habit just as is leaving the room messy. So does your friend understand how to avoid doing those things that get on your nerves? Can you live with your Best Friend without losing your mind? If your answer to the above is no, then that fellow isn’t your friend. Avoid people you cannot bear to endure even if you try your hardest.
THE COMPANY THAT LOVES MISERY: In this life, there will always be those who will try to dissuade you from taking steps that could lead you further away from your clique — like applying to study Medicine at the University of Ibadan, or even applying for a scholarship at Harvard University. To them, you should aspire to be great but not too great. They do not think you are good enough for some things. Well guess what…they are not good enough for you!
THE ALWAYS COMPETITIVE ONES: While a little friendly competition can be a great motivator, it can be tricky to manage friendships that are overly competitive. These are person who constantly remind you that they have bigger aspirations, finer than you, richer than you and will study “better” courses at the university. They may not [intentionally] mean evil when they say these things, yet their dispositions will give off the impression that they are threatened by you. You don’t need them please…
Always make sure to be friends with only those who have your best interest at heart because as I said earlier, friends can make or mare you.