
Girl Talk: Caring For Your Hair During Harmattan

Harmattan period usually contains a lot of dust, dryness and heat. This weather causes the scalp to be very dry and also makes the hair dirty as a result of dusty and dry air. Here are some things you can do to help your hair:

1.  Extra protection
Use an extra moisturising shampoo especially one that is formulated to be gentle on the hair. Avoid clarifying or voluminizing shampoos as these will strip the hair of its essential oils. Also avoid using harsh medicated shampoos and conditioners as these can dry out and irritate the scalp.

2. Thorough Conditioning

As long as hair isn’t in any protective style, use conditioner once a week. This helps curb breakage and also keeps your hair healthy and away from the dangers of harmattan. You don’t have to do deep conditioning. If you don’t want to use store bought deep conditioners, you can make yours. Here are a few you can use:

a. Coconut milk DC: You can buy coconut milk (milk not oil). Blend the edible part of the coconut with water, separate the chaff from the milky part and keep for a day. Suspend the mixture, the milky part will go below and the water will stay ahead, pour the water out and use as a conditioner. Massage into hair, cover and let it sit for maybe an hour then rinse out and seal. Helps reduce drying out of hair and retains moisture.

b.  Aloe Vera: Aloe vera juice helps prevent and reduce breakage. Its best to use juice straight from the plant. Mix it with your favourite conditioner and olive oil. Mix, massage into hair, wear a shower cap, leave for 30 minutes and rinse out. Afterwards you pat dry and seal hair with your carrier oil, shea butter or a mixture of both.

3. Oiling and Massaging of Scalp

Oiling and massaging the hair with coconut oil or Jojoba oil can help prevent the scalp from drying out and also air hair growth. Coconut, olive and jojoba are great for oiling the scalp. These oils are very important so you do not lose moisture because moisture is the foundation of what keeps our hair healthy and strong.

4. Moisturise Your Hair Often

If you have braids or your hair weaved, endeavour to moisturise with hair cream often. The weather is quite dry and strips the hair off moisture and you need to replace or replenish moisture. This is the perfect time to mix a hair spritz using distilled water, your favourite base oils such as olive oil, some essential oils and glycerine. As frequently as possible, always moisturise your hair, don’t allow it dry out.

5. Avoid Dust

Harmattan periods can be very dusty. Also remember that dust can quickly clog up your pores and cause scalp irritation so wash often and use a head wrap or a scarf if your route is particularly dusty. For men, trim your hair low so that you will be able to wash properly and brush off any dust particles. Head warmers might not be such a bad idea.

6. Regular Treatment

Treat your hair often as this will help prevent damage and breakage. Protein treatment can be used to help your hair grow.


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