
Girl Talk: What Teens Need To Know Now About Breast Cancer (+ Why You Should Never put Your Phone in Your Bra)

While breast cancer is relatively rare in teens, there’s a one-in-eight chance you could develop it during your lifetime—which is why thinking about ways you can prevent it is super important now.

“The teen years are the window of susceptibility for breast cancer,” says Dr. Marisa Weiss, the president and founder of and author of Taking Care of Your Girls: A Breast Health Guide for Girls, Teens, and In-Betweens. The good news? There are plenty of things you can do now to protect yourself later on. Here’s what to know:

What you eat as a teen could mean a bigger risk for breast cancer as an adult.
Everything you put into your body affects how your cells are built and run, says Dr. Weiss. Translation: Watching what you eat and drink is imperative for not only your overall health but also decreasing your risk of breast cancer. “Opt for water instead of sugary drinks, limit your red meat intake to no more than once a week, and eat real food,” she advises, and include a mix of fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, and every colour veggie in the rainbow.

A sluggish lifestyle may come back to bite you.
Staying in shape is about much more than looking good. To fend off breast cancer, “keep your weight in a healthy zone,” says Dr. Weiss. That means something different for everyone, and it’s not a number, it’s a range. “Even if you’re not athletic, you should still be keeping an active lifestyle,” she says. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk around the neighbourhood with your friends…basically just light up that Fitbit!

Yep: Smoking is just plain bad news all around.
You already know cigarettes are packed with health hazards, but did you know that includes increasing your risk for breast cancer? And while teens these days are smoking less than ever, even a cigarette every once in a while is still a bad idea: Keep your health in check by skipping the habit altogether. And while you’re at it, don’t overdo it with alcohol. Three or four drinks in a week (for you over-21-year-olds!) is the max amount you should put in your body.

X-rays can be risky (yes, even if they’re what the doctor ordered).
“If you have a problem that requires a medical test, ask the doctor to see you first,” says Dr. Weiss. X-rays and gamma rays expose you to radiation, and radiation exposure is linked to cancer. Don’t freak out, though: You’re getting only a super small dose at the doctor or dentist’s office—it’s just best to avoid ‘rays when you can. Thankfully, X- and gamma-rays aren’t your only options: If your doctor is, for example, concerned you have appendicitis, they can request an ultrasound instead of a CAT Scan, sparing you the exposure. If they don’t, be your own advocate. Don’t shy away from asking questions, either. You have a right to speak up for your own body.

You know how sometimes you stash your phone in your bra? Yeah, don’t.
We know, it’s just super convenient (especially at the gym). But according to Dr. Weiss, there’s interesting research going on right now about the long term effects of storing your phone in your bra. Doctor Oz made a compelling (if slightly spurious) connection between the storage trend and breast cancer last year and got the conversation going—and while the jury is still out on this one, better safe than sorry, right?

Your beauty products are packed with chemicals you need to keep an eye on.
Just like everything you put in your body has an effect on your health, products that you use on your body also have an impact. Check out EWG’s Skin Deep database to get the information you need about which chemicals you should avoid in your makeup and bath products (first stop? Choose all-natural lipsticks). You can also do a quick Google search before you buy new products to make sure they’re safe, and familiarise yourself with brands that will help you get the look you’re going for with fewer chemical risks.

Bottom line: Your future self will be thanking you big-time for helping her out now.


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