
Girl Talk! 4 Super Common Hairstyles Every Secondary School Student Can Relate With

We’ve all been there. For those of us who have attended secondary school or are still there, we can relate with some of these hairstyles. Some hairstyles can be pretty annoying and some just make you look fabulous. Here are some of the common hairstyles:

1.      Suku /Shuku (Shoo-Koo):
I think everybody’s grandmother (in the village or city) and their mothers must have done this hair style or some variation of it.  Sometimes I stare at the secondary school picture of me ‘rocking’ this hairstyle, but then, am sure it’s still a common style for this present generation. Am I right?


2.      “All back” (a.k.a. Corn rows):
It is called Kolese in Yoruba and I daresay is the most popular hair style amongst school girls. If your hair braider cannot plait ‘all back,’ then what can she plait?  I heard that in some schools, only senior girls were allowed to put “brushing” in their hair.  True or False?

all back

Related Article: 6 cute and easy hairstyles for girls with short hair

3.      Calabar” (a.k.a Individual braids):
This one was the shakara hair style because your hair has to have a certain length to pull this style off properly.  If your hair is not long enough, it won’t fit, better go for another option LOL!


4.      Patewo (Kpa-Teh-Woh):
Patewo literally means ‘Clap your hands’ in Yoruba and that pretty much describes the hair style itself, some come with base also, you can decide to make the patewo alone.

patewoAny other suggestion?

 See Also: TOMAPEP: How the Shocking Secret of the Girl Who Made Beautiful and Unique Hairstyles Was Revealed

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