
How Good are You with Your Spelling Skills?

With so many rules abounding in English language, spelling  your words correctly can be a tricky business. Even some of the most commonly used words can often be misspelt even by those who are most proficient in the language. So how good are you with spelling; really? I am talking about simple everyday words, not necessarily the big words we hear for the first time during Spelling Bee Competitions… Well then why don’t you test yourself by picking out the correctly spelt words from the set of words below. Have fun and let’s hear from you in the comment section.

  1. Which is the correct spelling?  
    1. Seperate
    2.  Separate
    3.  Seperete
    4.  Separete
  1. Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Definitely
    2.  Definately
    3.  Definatly
    4.  Definitley
  2. Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Manoevre
    2.  Maneouvre
    3.  Maneover
    4.  Manoeuvre
  3. Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Embbarrass
    2.  Embarass
    3.  Embarrass
    4.  Embbarass
  4. Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Ocurrence
    2.  Occurrance
    3.  Occurrence
    4.  Occurence
  5. Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Consensus
    2.  Concensus
    3.  Consencus
    4.  Concencus
  6. Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Unecessary
    2.  Unnessecary
    3.  Unnecessery
    4.  Unnecessary
  7. Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Acceptable
    2.  Acceptible
    3.  Acceptabel
    4.  Accepttable
  8. Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Brocoli
    2. Boccolli
    3.  broccoli
    4.  brocoli
      0Which is the correct spelling? 
      1.  refered
      2.  reffered
      3.  referred
      4.  refferred

        1Which is the correct spelling? 

        1.  bureacracy
        2.  bureuacracy
        3.  buraecracy
        4.  bureaucracy
  9. 12Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  supercede
    2.  supersede
    3.  superscede
    4.  supercsede
  10. 13Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  questionnaire
    2.  questionaire
    3.  questionnare
    4.  questionare
  11. 14Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  conniseur
    2.  connosseur
    3.  connoisseur
    4.  connoseur
  12. 15Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  alot
    2.  a lot
    3.  allot
    4.  alott
  13. 16Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  entrepreneur
    2.  entrepeneur
    3.  entepreneur
    4.  enterpeneur
  14. 17Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  paticularly
    2.  particularly
    3.  praticularly
    4.  particullarly
  15. 18Which is the correct spelling? 

    1. Liquify
    2.  liquiffy
    3.  liquefy
    4.  liqueffy
  16. 19Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  concience
    2.  consience
    3.  consciense
    4.  conscience
  17. 2Which is the correct spelling? 

    1.  Parallel
    2.  Parralel
    3.  Parallell
    4.  Parrallel



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