

We can all agree that teenagers are very interesting human beings. They can be smart, tech-savvy, pop culture-wise and very receptive to new knowledge. Most importantly, teenagers are always on the verge of development both physically and intellectually and these attributes make them very unique. But just as teens can be fun and interesting, they can also be a little difficult to deal with. Everything from their constant little mistakes, erratic outbursts, seemingly endless desire to do stupid things and outright obduracy can be so stressful to parents and guardians. And the interesting thing is that they are most times oblivious of the stress they cause.

Most teenagers allow themselves to be distracted by peers who pressure them into doing bad things. Any teen who wishes to grow into adult must learn to handle Peer Pressure.

Now to the teenagers… truth is that you behave the way you do because of how your system is wired. By “system” I am referring to your biological and mental setup. According to, the baffling strange behaviours exhibited by your ilk are direct results of hormonal and brain activity.  The teenage years are characterized by rapid hormonal and brain development. These, coupled with the fact that you are just outgrowing adolescence into early adulthood and therefore required to meet all kinds of expectations while being forced to forego all those privileges you enjoyed as a child can be hard to handle.

But having established that you can’t help yourself with those unacceptable decisions you make, you must bear in mind that it doesn’t give you the ticket to behave however you choose. The truth is, not only are those dumb decisions/behaviours stressful to their parents for instance, it can also be directly injurious to you. Let’s take your unnecessary risk-taking for example; you put your whole life in danger when you make unreasonable choices which can put you in needless dangers. In your youthful exuberance, deciding to swim across the Lagos Lagoon may sound like a great idea especially when you are pressured by your peers to do so. You may want to prove to everyone that you are strong after all and so you plunge in deep into the unknown waters. But unless you are some type of Michael Phelps, the likelihood of you drowning is ninety nine percent certain. So it is troubling to see so many teenagers risking their lives in similar manner due to uninformed decision and youthful exuberance. This has to stop for your own sake!


How can you responsibly pass through your teenage years into adulthood? Now this is the part you should pay closer attention because your now and future may depend on it. First and foremost, you must ensure never to give in to Peer Pressure. Most of the stupid decisions and risks teenagers make/take are the direct result of Peer Pressure. Consider this scenario- your girl friends tell you that you are still a novice unless you’ve slept with a man. And in a bid not to be a novice you allow yourself experience sex even though you are not ready for it. As a result, you expose yourself to the many risks that can be inherent in sex, some of which could have life-threatening implications. And for the boys, your pals tell you that in order to belong to their click of “happening guys” you must be initiated in a cult. You then run along with the idea, never taking time to consider the plenty risks including bodily harm and possibly death. The things peer pressure force young people to do are many and altogether risky. And if you truly wish to grow into a responsible adult, you must begin to handle peer pressure properly.

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It is also imperative that you begin to learn how to have absolute control over your emotions. There is no need to be overly emotional like a baby all the time. Remember that you are growing up from early childhood [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][through teenagehood] into early adulthood. And responsible adults are people who have absolute control over their emotions. In the same vein, you must also learn to listen to elderly advice while being respectful to both your parents, teachers and elderly ones. Let everything you do be geared towards laying the right foundation for a responsible adulthood. Remember, even though your age limits your ability to meet expectations, it is not enough excuse for you not to meet said expectations.

Be responsible please…[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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