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Are you ‘right-brained’ and creative or ‘left-brained’ and logical? You’re neither, claims study, as links between brain sides and personality are nonsense

  (By Uchechukwu Udoji) It’s a long held belief that people are either right-brained or left-brained and in turn either creative or logical. But the theory that our brain has a dominant side that governs out traits – what we are interested in, what our skills tend to be – is nonsense, according to new

Are you ‘right-brained’ and creative or ‘left-brained’ and logical? You’re neither, claims study, as links between brain sides and personality are nonsense Read More »

BREAST ENLARGEMENT GONE WRONG: Teen Fighting For Her Life After Breast Procedure Caused Brain Damage

  A teenage girl is fighting for her life after undergoing a breast augmentation procedure from medical professionals with questionable credentials. Linda Perez, 18, was in surgery at the Coral Gables Cosmetic Center Monday morning when something went wrong and she was transported to a nearby intensive care unit where she remains in a coma,

BREAST ENLARGEMENT GONE WRONG: Teen Fighting For Her Life After Breast Procedure Caused Brain Damage Read More »

How Teachers Can Truly Help In Curbing Drug Addiction Among Students

  (By Adeoye Oyewole) I write this topic with a feeling of nostalgia because my parents (now late) were teachers. They were part of the professional teachers of yester-years. I can recollect vividly how my mother instructed us sternly never to attempt to change the handedness of my younger brother from left to right because

How Teachers Can Truly Help In Curbing Drug Addiction Among Students Read More »

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